- We are old enough to do for ourselves. 我们年龄已大,足以自主。
- What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. 为自己做的一切都会随着死去而消逝无踪,为他人和世界所做的将会延续而不朽。
- From helping to prevent cancer to lowering our blood pressure to helping us fit into that swimming suit, exercise is the best thing we can do for ourselves. 从帮助预防癌症降低血压,以帮助我们融入游泳衣、运动是最好的,我们只能为自己。
- We do this for ourselves and for world peace. 我们这样是为了自己,还有为了世界和平。
- "Drudgery done for ourselves or for other human audiences will always be drudgery," he writes, but "drudgery done for God is lifted and changed. “为自己和别人而做的苦工永远都是乏味的,”他写道,但是“为神而做的苦工却被提升并得到改变。”
- Mrs Simpson comes in on weekdays to do for us. 辛普森夫人周日替我们料理家务。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- We're doing for ourselves. 我们自己照料家务。
- I did for her while she was sick. 她生病时,我照料她。
- She is old enough to do for herself. 她已经大了,可以自己照顾自己了。
- She did for me during my illness. 我生病期间她来照看我。
- We ordered a lot of books for ourselves. 我们给自己订购许多书。
- How did you do for fuel during those difficult days? 在那些困难的日子里,你们是怎样解决燃料问题的?
- I suppose we'll have to make a try for ourselves. 我想我们必须自己来试一试了。
- Should we keep some for ourselves? 我们也该留一点儿吧?
- There is no god Our creed is but for ourselves! 没有上帝,没有信条,只有我们自己!
- Is there anything I can do for you? 我能帮点什么忙吗?
- We boys must learn to think for ourselves. 我们男孩子必须学会独立思考。
- Will tomorrow do for the meeting? 明天开会行吗?