- But the cult oftheauthenticand the personal,"doing our own thing", hasspeltthedeath of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. 但是,以“自行其是”为主导的所谓自然和个人风格的盛行,已经宣布了正式文体的演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐的灭亡。
- But the cult of the authentic and the personal , “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech , writing , poetry and music. 但是这种对真实和个人的膜拜,"各扫门前雪",已经导致正式语言,写作,诗歌和音乐的死亡
- did our own thingv. 以自己的独特方式表现自己的性格(做自己最喜欢的事)
- do our own thingvi. 以自己的独特方式表现自己的性格(做自己最喜欢的事)
- Uruha: We've got our own style and do our own kind of music. 丽:我们拥有自己的个人风格以及属于我们的音乐。
- We just do our job, play it safe. We are not paid to make our own judgement. 我们只管做自己分内的事,但求稳当无过,无须自作主张。
- done our own thingv. 以自己的独特方式表现自己的性格(做自己最喜欢的事)
- Only by creating our own thing we have the discourse power and would not be pinned down. 只有自己创造的东西我们才有话语权,才不会被牵制。
- We began to do our own testing at home,slamming doors,holding him near the smoke detector and setting it off. 我们开始在家里自己来做测试,拍打房门,把他带到烟雾报警器旁边打开报警器。
- We began to do our own testing at home, slamming doors, holding him near the smoke detector and setting it off. 我们开始在家里自己来做测试,拍打房门,把他带到烟雾报警器旁边打开报警器。
- To do our part to lift up our fellow Americans.To realize our own true potential by hitching our wagon to something bigger than ourselves. 尽自己职责带动我们的同胞,通过立志做一些大于我们本身的事情去实现我们真正的潜力。
- We must study hard , do our own business well and improve our abilities gradually to establish substantial fundation to redound upon our matherland. 我们要好好学习,做好自己的事,不断提高自己的能力,为将来报效祖国打下坚实的基础。
- In this campaign, Bester Burke Cape Town do our own take on the “Fail” emails that are currently making the rounds on the Internet. 在这场运动中,德贝斯特伯克开普敦做我们自己采取的“失败”的电子邮件,目前使互联网上的子弹。
- The first thing that we did when we conquered the town was to haul down the enemy's flag and raise our own. 我们占领这座城市以后以后所做的第一件事就是降下城里敌人的旗帜,升起我们自己的旗帜。
- We do our own chores. 我们干自己的家务活儿。
- Control of the armed forces has a vital bearing on gaining the upper hand in a village,so we should do our utmost to keep the armed forces in our own hands or in the hands of other revolutionaries. 武装的掌握是争取村中优势的重大问题,要力求掌握在我们和革命分子的手中。
- We are also expanding our live show schedule and hope to be doing our own broadcasts from our studio shortly. 同时我们也不断增加直播节目,并希望不久的将来在我们自己的直播间进行广播。
- Everyone should be free to do their own thing. 任何人都应该有按自己的方式行事的自由。
- We should do our best to save endangered species. 我们应该竭尽全力挽救濒于灭绝的生物。
- Our principle is: first expose their plot and then do our best to avoid shedding blood,even if that means some of our own people get hurt. We must see to it that ringleaders who have violated the law are sentenced according to law. 我们的方针是首先揭露他们的阴谋,尽量避免流血,宁可我们自己人被打伤,对为首闹事触犯刑律的依法处理。