- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- The traitor's knees were knocking together from fright. 叛徒吓得两膝直打战。
- Many people died from the smallpox epidemic. 很多人死于天花流行病。
- The old man died from colon cancer. 这位老人死于结肠癌。
- The patient finally died from cancer. 那位病人最终死于癌症。
- She was too exhausted and weak from fright to tolerate weakness in anyone else. 她实在太累太虚弱,而且担惊受怕得够了,因此容忍不了别人身上更多脆弱的表现。
- Many people die from famine in Africa. 在非洲许多人死于饥荒。
- The soldier died from an infections would. 这个士兵死于伤口感染。
- die from fright 吓死
- My neighbor's dog died from distemper. 我邻居的狗死于犬瘟热。
- About two-million people die from TB each year. 每年大约有200万人死人肺结核,
- Each year, two-million people die from TB. 每年有200万人死于肺结核,
- The plants died from want of water. 这些植物因缺水而死。
- He died from an overdose of barbiturates. 他因服用过量巴比土而死亡。
- More die from the pot than from poverty. 酗酒而死者多于贫困。
- Fainting from fright, they regained consciousness to hear a menacing voice warning them to leave. 他们被吹得晕倒了。恢复了意识后,又听见一个威胁的声音在警告他们离去。”
- Sometimes infected chickens die from the disease. 有时候感染该病菌的鸡会死亡。
- It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation. 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必争。
- Prissy screamed at the top of her voice, more from fright than pain, and began to dance up and down, writhing to break Scarlett's grip. 百里茜尖着嗓子大叫起来,这与其说是因为疼痛,还不如说是出于害怕,同时扭着跳着,要挣脱思嘉的手。