- Unfortunately the scientist died of illness. 那位科学家不幸病逝。
- Confucius died of illness in 497 BC. 孔子于公元前479年病逝。
- The pathological findings of a alpaca died of illness was observed. 对一例因病死亡羊驼的病理变化进行了详细的观察,并对其死亡原因进行了分析。
- Bad food is a source of illness. 坏了的食物是疾病之源。
- Fever is symptomatic of illness. 发烧是疾病的症候。
- Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。
- Powell took office on the way, carbuncle suffering from sudden illness, was back, died of illness in the near future. 鲍上任途中,突患痈疾,遂返里,不久病逝。
- Long long ago, there lived a kindhearted noble.His wife died of illness and left him three daughters. 很久很久以前有一个心地善良的贵族,他的妻子因病去逝,抛下他和他的三个女儿。
- He die of hunger before liberation. 解放前他死于饥饿。
- A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。
- Five died of illness Fu, Liu should be happy to leave no stone unturned five-fu returned to the body of his hometown. 五富因病身亡,刘高兴想尽一切办法要把五富的尸体运回家乡。
- He had a long bout of illness last year. 他去年生了一场拖了很久的病。
- John left early under the pretext of illness. 今天约翰以病为藉口,提早离开了。
- Infection rate for 22.2%,die of illness rate as 3.2%,share 60.9%that die the total amount,the sufferer dies in blood infection more or many part infects with an infection for with the result that shock. 感染率为22.;2%25;病死率为3
- Li Chao, a student at the Beijing women's teachers' college, fought for right to equality in education against family and died of illness. 摘要北京女子高等师范学校学生李超为争取平等的教育权,与传统家庭不断抗争,不幸病死。
- The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness. 男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出。
- We can often correlate age with frequency of illness. 年龄的大小往往与发病率有关。
- Many people die of famine every year. 每年有很多人死于饥荒。
- Her mother die of cancer and her aunt rear her. 她母亲因癌症去世,她姨妈将她抚养大。
- Grandfather died of illness. 祖父病死了。