- Difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement. 异议,反对意见或感觉的不同,想法分歧
- They have received notice of typhoon approaching. 他们已收到台风即将来临的预报。
- It is a difference of opinion that makes horse race. 赛马之所以(能够)成立,是由于有不同的看法(意见)。
- We had a difference of opinion (ie argued) over who had won. 我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。
- Other reasons have the impact of typhoon and sunspot activity. 太阳黑子活动的影响。
- In this shipment, there is a difference of 50 tins. 这批货少了50箱。
- It is the difference of the elect and the vulgar. 这是上等人与下等人之间的区别。
- The difference of rank between us is too great. 我们两人的社会地位相差太悬殊了。
- Difference of opinion; disagreement. 意见分歧;不同意
- There is a difference of four hours. 有四小时的时差。
- There was a difference of opinion over who had won. 在谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。
- difference of typhoons 台风差异
- Difference of age within one generation. 内的年龄之别。
- Difference of opinion;disagreement. 意见分歧;不同意
- Due to the difference in PBL processes, the scale of typhoon, the horizontal and vertical structure of simulat... 详细了解边界层物理过程在台风发展中的作用是充分认识和预报热带气旋的重要基础性工作。
- A conflict or difference of opinion. 意见不一,观点不同
- The difference of AIP was the most significance. 2型糖尿病合并冠心病组AIP为0.;51±0
- Guangzhou, capital of Typhoon storm winds occur, obstructed pedestrian travel. 省会广州受台风影响出现大风暴雨,行人出行受阻。
- Tibet's exiled spiritual leader is to meet survivors of Typhoon Morakot. 西藏被流放的精神领袖要会见莫拉克台风的幸存者。
- It is a difference of a few dollars. 那是两三美元之差。