- Objects in the same schema can be in different tablespaces, and a tablespace can hold objects from different schemas. 同一方案中的对象可以存储在不同表空间中,一个表空间中也可以存储不同方案的对象。)
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- For example, if you execute a batch statement containing two SQL SELECT statements that return different schemas, the second statement might not retun the entire schema. 例如,如果执行的批处理语句包含两个返回不同方案的SQL SELECT语句的,则第二条语句可能不返回整个方案。
- Each and every difference contains contradiction. 每一个差异中无不包含矛盾。
- The difference contrast is notable. 差别对比是显著的。
- All readers carry different schemata(background information),which is in with culture-specific. 所有的读者都具有不同的背景知识,这些背景信息也通常具有某种鲜明的文化独特性。
- What is the difference between this and that? 这个和那个之间的区别是什么?
- Different schemata interact by embedding, overlapping and remaining their default values at the same time. 各类图式呈现相互嵌入、相互重叠又相互缺省的动态的交互特点。
- On this question I differ from you in toto. 在这个问题上我跟你的意见完全不同。
- Flowers make no difference to this room. 这房间有没有花没什么区别。
- In such a case, even if both tables are owned by different schemas and have unique article names, creation of the join filter will fail. 在这种情况下,即使两个表属于不同的架构并具有唯一的项目名,也无法创建联接筛选器。
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- According to this classification, the translation of different schemas is discussed with the contrastive analysis of specific examples. 分析结果显示,图式的构建与激活将会影响整个翻译过程,包括理解与表达。
- The rain didn't make much difference (to the game). 这场雨(对比赛)没多大影响。
- On the Internet,DSML should make directory information available to a world where information in distributed directories is maintained in different schemas. 在因特网上,DSML应使目录信息能被这样的一个世界使用,即在这一世界中分布目录中信息以不同的模式保存着。
- It will make a very big difference. 这将造成很大的差别。
- Shaw was an artist with a difference. 萧是个与众不同的艺术家啊。
- Methods for federating multiple disparate, distributed data sources may also provide integration of data stored under differing schemas such as files and relational databases. 用于联合多个相异的分布式数据源的方法可能还提供存储在不同模式下的数据的集成,比如文件和关系数据库。
- She makes no difference between her two sons. 她对两个儿子一视同仁。