- "Different ethnicities are radically different... 不同的种族差别是很大的
- A person having parents of different ethnic types. 混血父母属于不同种族的人
- China has 56 different ethnic groups. 中国有56个民族。
- Different ethnic groups have different funerals. 摘要不同的民族有不同的丧葬方式。
- Our school has students from different ethnic backgrounds. 学校的学生有着不同的种族背景。
- Although people of different ethnicities have been mixing for centuries, the subject of interracial relationships is still controversial. 尽管不同种族的人们已经通婚好几个世纪了,然而不同种族之间的关系仍然是一个引起争议的话题。
- MGA Entertainment's Bratz dolls come in a range of different ethnicities, and boast fashions described as "totally dangerous, totally ferocious and totally funkadelic". MGA 娱乐公司生产的贝兹娃娃有一系列不同的种族形象,拥有被称为"绝对危险、绝对野蛮和绝对另类"的流行时尚。
- But it is also imperative that we remain pragmatic and continue to use English as the language of communication among Singaporeans of different ethnic groups. 与此同时,新加坡人必须实事求是,确认英语英文的学习,有助于各族群之间的沟通,是每个族群都应该设法去学习的共同媒介语。
- A strategy game is immediate and classic games like Empire era, the rich, including a number of different ethnic civilization, one up to experience! 是一款即时战略游戏,和经典游戏帝国时代类似,内涵丰富,包括多个种族不同的文明,一起来体验!
- Dai helped develop folk dance by collecting different ethnic dances in different regions. 她是将散见于民众中自然传衍的舞蹈加工为舞台艺术品的始作俑者
- Rather he/she is an amalgamation of different ethnic backgrounds and different kinds of experiences. 在这群人中有些人自称为‘第三文化的孩子们’。
- The scientists have recorded the stammers of children and adults from different ethnic groups. 科学家们已经记录了来自不同种族的儿童和成人的口吃症状。
- Interethnic communication refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds. 民族间的交流指同一个种族但并非相同民族的人们之间的交流。
- So far, Chinese doctors haven't done a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation between different ethnic groups. 到目前为止中国还没有做过一例不同种族间的造血干细胞移植。
- Chitty S, winter M. Perinatal mortality in different ethnic groups[J]. Arch Dis Child,1989,64(7):1036. 全国5岁以下儿童死亡调查协作组.;中国5岁以下儿童死亡抽样调查[J]
- He stressed that while building a Singaporean identity,we must at the same time retain the strengths and traditions of the different ethnic groups. 他强调我国在建立具有新加坡特色的文化的同时,也有必要保留各族的文化优点和传统。
- To provide outreach programs to inform and educate the different ethnic groups about the accessibility and the availability of health care services. 提供联外计画,告知并教育不同种族族群如何取得健康照护服务。
- Since the voice of the local majority began to be heard, Chen Chi-nan says, this helped improve relations between different ethnic groups. 陈其南指出:如此的转变,让大多数民众的心声得以抒发,进而改善族群之间的关系。
- The relations between different ethnic groups based on equality, solidarity and mutual help have grown stronger and stronger. 各民族之间的平等、团结、互助关系不断加强。
- We should respect different life styles, religious belief and customs of different ethnic minorities, promoting combination of hospice and local ethnic culture. 我们要尊重各民族不同的生活方式,不同的信仰和习俗,使医学的临终关怀救助和地方民族文化结合起来。