- Result The chromatograms of Brucea javanica from different producing areas were similar. 结果不同来源的鸦胆子药材的指纹图谱有相似性,个别样品存在差异。
- In this paper, changes in quality were studied of fresh Dongzao jujube in different producing areas during storaged. 以藁城、黄骅、沾化冬枣为试材,研究了不同产地冬枣采后贮藏过程中的品质变化。
- Objective: To compare the quality of Flos Lonicerae between different producing areas. 目的:比较不同产地中药材金银花的质量。
- Objective To compare the quality of Rhizome Dioscorea in different producing areas. 目的比较研究不同产地怀山药的质量。
- The contents of coffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in different producing areas were very different,which in fecund soil was better. 不同采收期以春季花果期最好,不同部位成分含量都不一致。
- Like famous raki and coffee, there are many famous types of dark chocolates according to different producing areas and methods of production.Eg. 就像名葡萄酒和好咖啡一样,根据可可豆产地的不同和研制方法的差异,黑巧克力也有很多很出名的品种。
- Methods The Ophicalcitum from different producing area was studied by IR spectral analysis. 方法运用红外光谱技术,对不同产地生花蕊石及煅花蕊石进行分析。
- Results: The method is excellent and there is a biggish dibersity in different producing area. 结果:此方法回收率较高,各产地黄芪中黄芪甲苷的含量差别较大。
- Conclusion:The content r-schisandria in Schisandra Chinensis Baill of different producing area determined by HLPC is simple,convenient and reliable. 结论:用高效液相法测定不同产地五味子中五味子乙素含量方法简便、可靠。
- Results Chemical compositions extracted by ethyl acetate and total flavonoids content varied greatly in the raw materials of Herb Sarcandra from different producing areas. 结果不同产地肿节风药材所含成分及总黄酮含量差异较大。
- Objective: To improve the method of measurement for content of radix astragali and estimate the quality of radix astragali of different producing area. 目的:改进黄芪含量测定方法,提高黄芪甲苷回收率,评价不同产地黄芪药材质量。
- Result:The contents of bornyl acetate in different parts and species of Fructus Amomi from different producing areas were obviously different,but the traditional curative effects remained unchanged. 结果:不同品种、不同产地砂仁药材以及砂仁药材不同部位中乙酸龙脑酯含量有明显差异,并与其传统疗效一致;
- The content of paeonol in different species, different producing areas, different parts from the same producing area of peony and its annual dynamic changes in the root bark were summarized. 摘要概述了不同牡丹品种、不同产地、同一产地不同部位牡丹体内丹皮酚的含量及其在根皮中的年动态变化;
- Comparison of contents of diosgenin in Dioscorea nipponica Makino from different producing areas 不同产地穿山龙薯蓣皂苷元含量的比较研究
- Analysis and evaluation on nutritive composition of Pyracantha fortuneana fruit in different producing areas 不同产地火棘果实营养成分分析及评价
- Determination of Adenosine in Allium macrostemon Bunge of Different Producing Areas and Different Collecting Time 不同产地、不同采收期的薤白中腺苷含量测定
- Determination of the Content of Saponin in Kochia scoparia Fruits from Different Producing Areas 不同产地地肤子中皂苷的含量分析
- More assistance should be given to major grain producing areas. 加大对粮食主产区的扶持。
- Comparative Research of the Main Nutritional Components of Chinese Prickly Ash in Different Producing Areas 不同产地花椒主要营养成分的比较研究
- Study on the laws of N,P,K absorption in the Rhizome Dioscorea in different producing areas 不同产地山药氮磷钾吸收规律研究