- Any data since last full or differential backup is lost. 自上次完整备份或差异备份后的任何数据将丢失。
- As soon as the differential backup is recovered, the database is recovered. 在恢复了差异备份之后,便恢复了数据库。
- A differential backup skips forward to when the differential backup was taken. 差异备份将向前跳到进行差异备份的时间点。
- Base of the differential. A differential backup includes only the data that has changed since the. 差异备份仅包括自建立差异基准后更改的数据。
- With this strategy, you need to recover the full backup, and then recover the last differential backup. 使用此策略时,需要恢复完整备份,然后恢复最新的差异备份。
- The differential backup operation relies on a bitmap page that contains a bit for every extent. 差异备份操作取决于位图页,此页针对每个区包含一位。
- Pages in the roll forward set are overwritten with any more recent ones from the differential backup. 前滚集中的页将由差异备份中较新的页覆盖。
- You can also perform differential backups. 还可以执行差异备份。
- A differential base is a data backup is the reference point for the differential backup. 差异基准是一个数据备份,它是差异备份的参考点。
- Differential backup, restore, and recovery are not supported on file systems that are not NTFS. 非NTFS文件系统不支持差异备份、还原和恢复。
- A restore sequence starts with restoring at least one full backup, optionally followed by a corresponding differential backup. 还原顺序从至少还原一个完整备份开始,后面可跟对应的差异备份。
- For a database that uses the simple recovery model, we recommend that you take a full or differential backup after the bulk-import operation finishes. 对于使用简单恢复模式的数据库,建议在大容量导入操作后进行完全或差异备份。
- Typically, a differential backup has a single differential base, which covers the same set of data files as the differential backup. 通常,差异备份只有一个差异基准,该基准所涵盖的一组数据文件与差异备份所涵盖的相同。
- Creating a data or differential backup captures only the portion of the database containing real data; unused space is not backed up. 创建数据或差异备份只捕获数据库中包含实际数据的部分,而不备份未使用的空间。
- Also see Copy and archive a whole subdirectory, Section 8.3 And Differential backup and data synchronization, Section 8.4. 亦可参阅差量备份与数据同步;第8.;4节。
- Then, restore only the most recent differential backup to bring the database forward to the time when that differential backup was created. 然后,若要将数据库前滚到最新的差异备份时间,只需要还原最新的差异备份。
- To make differential backup, restore, and recovery of full-text catalogs possible, the full-text catalog must be stored in a directory that is part of an NTFS file system. 若要使全文目录能够进行差异备份、还原和恢复,必须将全文目录存储在属于NTFS文件系统的目录中。
- The differential backup followed any other restores that were performed in the original piecemeal restore to restore the data up to the original recovery point. 在原始段落还原中执行的旨在将数据还原到原始恢复点的所有其他还原之后的差异备份。
- Every full and differential backup contains enough transaction log records to allow for the data in that backup to be recovered to a self-consistent state. 每个完整备份和差异备份都包含足够的事务日志记录,以便将该备份中的数据恢复到自我一致的状态。
- If you must recover a store, you must recover the store itself from the last normal backup, and then you can recover log files from an incremental or differential backup. 如果必须恢复存储,必须先从上一次普通备份恢复存储本身,然后才能从增量备份或差异备份恢复日志文件。