- digit block string number 数字字组串号
- This example calls the IndexOf method on an array of String objects to report the string number and index of the first occurrence of a substring. 此示例对String对象的数组调用IndexOf方法,以报告子字符串的第一个匹配项的字符串编号和索引。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- Digital block was partitioned into hierarchy modules firstly, the RTL coding of sub-modules have been simulated in ModelSim. 数字部分的设计遵循结构化的设计原则,先进行模块划分,然后用Verilog语言完成各个模块的RTL级的描述,并在Modelsim中进行了功能仿真。
- The number represented by the digit or digits in2. 在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant. 占位符号在一个数的小数形式中,没有意义的数字
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- The child was trailing a toy car on a string. 小孩用绳子拖着一辆玩具车。
- The strong wind blew down a number of trees in our block. 强风吹倒了本区几棵树。
- It was the latest in a string of hotel disasters. 那是一系列的饭店事故中最新发生的一起。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- She's had us all on a string for too long. 我们大家受她摆布已经很长时间了。
- Don't cut the string, untie the knots. 别剪断绳子,把结解开。
- Harp not for ever on the same string. 勿老调重谈。
- Is every character of the string digit? 检查字串中每一字元是否皆是数字.
- The office block is under offer. 办公大楼已有人出价购买。
- He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子。
- Pertaining to an operation involving more than one digit. 用于修饰或说明涉及多位数字的运算。
- She pulls every string to attain the end. 她想尽一切办法来达到目的。