- MD5 algorithm is a use-widely algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint. MD5算法是一种应用广泛的提取数字指纹的算法。
- This one-way value is sometimes called the message digest, and is analogous to a digital fingerprint or checksum for the document. 有时这个单向值也叫做报文摘要,与文档的数字指纹或标准校验和相似。
- You can think of a message digest as a digital fingerprint of the larger document. 可以将消息摘要视为较大文档的数字指纹。
- When you go to a site, his or her IP address -- a kind of digital fingerprint -- is the one that gets left behind, not yours. 当你进入一个站点时,留下的是他/她的IP地址--这是一种类似数字指纹的东西--而不是你的。
- When you go to a site,his or her IP address -- a kind of digital fingerprint -- is the one that gets left behind,not yours. 当你进入一个站点时,留下的是他/她的IP地址--这是一种类似数字指纹的东西--而不是你的。
- This one-way value is sometimes called the message digest,and is analogous to a digital fingerprint or checksum for the document. 有时这个单向值也叫做报文摘要,与文档的数字指纹或标准校验和相似。
- This oneway value is sometimes called the message digest, and is analogous to a digital fingerprint or checksum for the document. 有时这个单向值也叫做报文摘要,与文档的数字指纹或标准校验和相似。
- This process incorporates a digital fingerprint, email, and transactional log, which creates a verifiable third party public date registration of the creator's copyright. 过程中包含了一个数字指纹、电子邮件和交易日志,它对创作者的著作权创建了一个能作证的第三方公共登记日期。
- Binarization is one important step in automatic digital fingerprint identification.Selection of threshold will greatly influence the effect of binarization,as well as the number of valid features. 二值化是数字指纹自动识别中不可或缺的重要环节,阈值的每一个像素的变化都会影响二值化处理效果,并且会直接影响到特征数量的保持度。
- Binarization is one important step in automatic digital fingerprint identification.Selection of threshold will greatly influence the effect of binarization, as well as the number of valid features. 摘要二值化是数字指纹自动识别中不可或缺的重要环节,阈值的每一个像素的变化都会影响二值化处理效果,并且会直接影响到特征数量的保持度。
- Traitor tracing scheme is a branch of digital fingerprinting,which provides a useful tool for copyright protection. 叛逆者追踪是数字指纹的一个分支,为版权保护提供了一个重要工具。
- Digital fingerprinting is a technology used to trace illegal redistributors and protect copyright,and has been get more and more attention. 数字指纹技术可以追踪盗版拷贝的来源,在版权保护等方面具有重要的作用,因此受到了越来越广泛的关注。
- A Digital Fingerprint Coding and Tracing Algorithm Based on Random Binary Codes 一种基于随机序列的数字指纹编码和跟踪算法
- An Application of Digital Fingerprint in the Duple Protection of Web Pages 数字指纹对Web网页的双重保护
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。
- Advances in Digital Fingerprinting Technology 数字指纹技术的研究进展
- Digital fingerprinting technology 数字指纹技术
- Livescan and digital fingerprint systems streamline identifying the deceased livescan 和数字指纹系统简化了确认死者的过程
- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。
- Not so with digital time, which is a pulse. 但数字时间则不然,它是一种脉动。