- digital active sonar 数字式主动声呐
- Navy research shows active sonar can have a behavioral impact on marine mammals. 海军的研究显示,主动声纳可对海洋哺乳动物产生行为上的影响。
- A new adaptive data reduction algorithm is presented to display large amounts of data on the computer screen of active sonar system. 摘要本文讨论了主动声纳系统中主动检测结果的数据显示问题。
- With the appearance of the quiet submarine, active sonar is attached much more importance and play a more and more important role. 随着“安静型”潜艇的出现,主动声纳日益受到重视并发挥着越来越重要的作用。
- Based on uniform line array,the sonar equation of active sonar beam main lobe and side lobe interfered by noise-jammer are presented. 研究了噪声干扰器对鱼雷主动声呐的对抗原理,以等间隔直线阵为例,分别给出了干扰器对鱼雷主动声呐主瓣和旁瓣的干扰方程。
- BBN has developed the ARTS array vehicle concept specifically to address the formidable problems of low-frequency active sonar sources. BBN 已经明确地发展 ARTS 排列车辆观念提出低周波活跃的声纳来源的强大问题。
- The U.S.Navy plans to deploy a new submarine detection system, known as Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFA), throughout 80% of the world's oceans. 在世界的 80%25 的大海各处, 美国海军计划部署一个新的海中发现系统, 即是低的频率活跃的声纳 (LFA) 。
- This thesis studies the target identified by analyzed scattering signal which is from active sonar impinged under water. 中文摘要本论文之目的,在于研究主动式声纳对水下目标物之瑞利表面回波信号特性分析。
- According to the tactical background that submarines use thermocline to escape active sonar,the effect of thermocline on active sonar searching submarine was studied. 结合潜艇利用跃变层规避主动声纳探测的战术背景,对跃变层对主动声纳的搜潜概率影响进行了研究。
- Enemy forces are constantly listening with floating sonobuoys, sonar mines, passive arrays towed by ships and subs, as well as active sonar from those vessels. 因为敌军不断以浮在水上的探音浮标、声纳水雷、船只和潜艇拖曳的被动阵列,以及这些船只装载的主动声纳等,持续监听水中动静。
- The difficulty of space time adaptive processing(STAP)in active sonar reverberation suppression is analyzed,and a valid reduced-rank STAP method is given. 分析了主动声呐采用空时自适应处理进行混响抑制的困难,给出了一种有效的降维空时自适应处理方法。
- In active sonar a sound wave is generated that spreads outward and is reflected Back by a target object. Passive systems consist simply of receiving sensors that pick up the noise produced by the target (such as a submarine or torpedo). 在有源声纳系统中,声发射装置发出的声波向外传播并被目标反射回来。无源声纳系统仅具有接收目标(如舰船、潜艇或水雷)所发噪音的接收传感器。
- Underwater acoustic transmitter is very important component for an active sonar equipment. It consists of four parts, which are the signal generator, the power amplifier the matching network section and the transverter. 水声信号发射机是主动声纳设备的重要组成部分,包括信号源、功率放大器、匹配网络和换能器四部分。
- Low-frequency active sonar has been proposed as a replacement for traditional high-frequency active sonar, and it can detect the target under water over long ranges using low-frequency active acoustics. 低频主动声纳是对传统的高频主动声纳的一种重大改进,它能利用低频主动声信号实现对水下目标的远距离探测。
- On the base of the active sonar theory, This thesis provide active ultrasonic detecting system that application in low-speed moving object of short-range in shallow sea surroundings. 论文文摘本论文基于主动声纳的基本原理,提出适用于浅海环境水下近程低速目标主动声探测系统。
- Based on the generalized correlation method for estimation of time delay and combined with practice of sonar engineering, this paper presents a new method for precise estimation of time delay used by active sonar signal with high SNR. 本文结合声纳工程实际,在广义相关时延估计基础上,提出一种既具有较高精度,又易于工程实现的适用于较高信噪比条件下主动声纳信号的精确测时方法。
- The navy is to buy two sets of US-made low-frequency active sonar (LFAS) systems to detect submarines operating in the Taiwan Strait, and plans to deploy them within two years, defense sources said yesterday. 来自国防部门消息,台湾海军准备购买两组美制低频主动声纳系统,以侦测台湾海峡之潜水艇,并计画两年内开始使用。
- Low Frequency Active Sonar System 低频主动声呐系统