- dilating urethrotome [医] 扩张尿道刀
- The doctors are dilating on the rare case. 大夫们正在讨论这个罕见的病例。
- But maybe her pupils just weren't dilating correctly. 但这也许是她的瞳孔扩张得不对。
- Fruiting peduncles and pedicels dilating, ferruginous tomentose. 果梗和花梗扩大,被锈色绒毛。
- Compliance is the dilating extent of elastic tissue below pressure. 顺应性是指外力作用下弹性组织的可扩张性。
- For dilating the bearing life, bearing should keep lubricative well. 为延长轴承寿命,轴承应保持良好的润滑状态。
- Nitric oxide increases the flow of blood to tissues by dilating the arteries that penetrate those tissues. 通过扩张深入组织的动脉血管,一氧化氮增加了流向组织的血液。
- Minoxidil is the most potent of the drugs that lower blood pressure by dilating the peripheral arteries. 敏乐定是通过扩张周围动脉而降低血压的最强效的药物。
- Conclusion:The results showed that this method was good for shorten time for dilating flaps and hospitalization . 结论:本方法具有扩张迅速,住院时间缩短等优点。
- And with this question without answer it is dilating a renewal that should take place as soon as possible. 现在他的问题没有得到回答,这就使尽快和他续约的问题变得更加麻烦。
- This process is aimed at dilating the cervix to the point where the baby's head can pass through it into the vagina. 产妇经历这个产程,可以扩张子宫颈口,直到能够让胎儿头颅通过、娩出到阴道的那种程度。
- Patients were treated by dilating eustachian tube and injecting medicine under nasal endoscopy in group A. 组采用鼻内镜下咽鼓管吹张注药术;
- Through analysis, it is found that the wavelet parameter Ar and the dilating coefficient DC have better sensitivity. 一共分析了71例数据,通过比较,可以发现小波特征参数Ar和膨胀系数DC在这些参数中的敏感性更好一些。
- Doctor s will prescribe proper trachea expanding dilating medicine based on patients’ situation. 医生会根据病情处方适当的气管扩张剂,若有细菌感染的证据或顾虑时,需并用抗生素。
- Contractions may be accompanied by a '’bloody show" (passage of blood-tinged mucus from the dilating cervical os). 宫缩可能伴随“见红”(扩张的宫口排出血性粘液)。
- He glanced over the back of the bench,dilating his nostrils,and thought as little of exchanging civilities with me as with my companion the cat. 他向凳子后面溜了一眼,张大鼻孔,认为对我用不着客气,就像对我那猫伴一样。
- Pain, shame, ire, impatience, disgust, detestation, seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his ebon eyebrow. 痛苦,羞耻,愤怒,烦躁,嫌恶,憎恨,似乎一下子都在他那浓眉下扩大的瞳孔里战栗地冲突起来。
- Results The satisfied curative effects of 24 cases were obtained after anti-allergy, dilating bronchi and hormone treatment. 结果本组报告24例中,经抗过敏、扩张支气管和激素等治疗,均获显著疗效。
- Nice Foundry Sand(NFS) is a kind of artificial Foundry sand that is ball-shaped, high heat-resistant,low heat dilating rate. 铸宝砂是对熔融状态下的高氧化铝质的原料(铝矾土)进行喷雾处理,使之再结晶而得到的高耐热性,低热膨胀,球状人工铸造砂。
- The heart tries to cope by dilating the chambers even more.Over time, the heart becomes weaker and heart failure can occur. 接着心脏会进一步扩张腔室以应对这个问题,这会导致心脏更加衰弱甚至可能发生心力衰竭。