- 平喘药antiasthmatic
- 止咳平喘药medicine for the treatment of cough and asthma
- 止咳平喘药-中药drug for the treatment of cough and asthma
- 药medicine
- 止喘的,平喘药antiasthmatic
- 化痰止咳平喘药expectorant cough suppressant and anti-asthmatic drug
- 止喘药antiasthmatic
- 镇喘药antasthmatic; bechic
- 平喘relieving asthma; preventing asthma
- 抗喘药antiasthmatic drug
- 止咳平喘relieving cough and asthma
- 丁氯喘-止喘药tulobuterol
- 润肺平喘moisten the lung and relieve asthma
- 降逆平喘relieving asthma
- 清热平喘clearing heat and relieving dyspnea
- 平喘穴Pingchuan
- 平喘方"Pingchuan Decoction"
- 平喘安Acepiperonethamine
- 平喘膏Pingchuan Ointment
- 平喘汤Pingchuan decoction