- diplomatic research report 外交调研报告
- Here is the market research report. 这是市场调查报告。
- The final step of diplomatic research is to write a report which should be short, terse and pithy and well-grounded and it lays stress on logical thinking1 using concise language to express rich content clearly, and fast writing. 外交调研的最后一环是撰写报告,成文应讲究短小精悍、逻辑思维、言之有据、表达清晰、鲜明突出、用词精炼、行文迅速。
- The Work for Pre-project: Complete the feasible research report. 项目前期工作:已完成可行性研究报告。
- Submit final research report (15-30 pages), of publishable quality. 递交最终可发表品质的研究报告(15至30页)。
- Diplomatic research is a cycling and endless process marked by its continuity and coherence. 外交调研是一个过程,具有延续性和连贯性,循环往复,不应有止。
- The professor require we deliver research report before Wednesday. 教授要求我们在周三之前交研究报告。
- Just like crossing river requires a ferryboat, diplomatic research need a methodology. 过河需要渡船,方法论即是解决过河的渡船问题。
- Prompt Delivery of Research Reports to Associates. 及时向顾问提交猎取报告;
- Research Reports &Annual Reports are listed. 网站列出了研究报告和年刊报告等。
- We, hereby certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our personal views. 我们特此保证,本研究报告中的观点准确反映了我们的个人观点。
- Distinguish between facts and opinions in research reports. 在研究报告中明确区分事实和观点。
- The second major section of the research report details, with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out. 研究报告的第二大部分用尽可能多的资料详细而又精确地说明了该研究工作是如何进行的。
- Summarize and analyze the process of project on schedule. Submit scientific research report. 定期总结和分析项目的进展情况,编写研发项目报告。
- Complete the feasible research report, the job-site is available in current time. 已完成可行性研究报告,有现成场地。
- The documents needed to submit for approval for Feasibility Research Report and constitutions. 报批可行性研究报告、章程应提交的文件。
- They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat. 他们不得不赎回被绑架的外交官。
- The research report is not a report card. The numbers are there to help make a judgement. 调查报告并非一份资料卡,数据本身是用来协助判断。
- According to one research report, which two parts of English are generally shared by men and women? 根据一研究报告显示,英文中哪两部分通常为男女所共享的?答案是:文法和字汇。
- The standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections. 不管是讨论什么样的学科或面对什么样的读者,标准的研究报告应包含四大部分。