- His opening gambit at the debate is a direct attack on government policy. 辩论刚开始时,他的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。
- His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy. 他在辩论中的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。
- Both direct attack and attack by implication hurt others'feelings. 直截了当的攻击和含沙射影的攻击都很伤人。
- To move in chess so as to put(an opponent's king) under direct attack. 将军在下棋中走一着使对手的“国王”受到直接的进攻。
- His opening gambitat the debate was a direct attack on Government policy. 他在辩论中的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。
- A direct attack,a positive leer,blatant ugliness to her face-these never touched her. 译文:她从来没有受到别人明目张胆的完全不怀好意的直接攻击.
- Alternatively we could make a direct attack by sea against Japan's island barrier in the Central and South Pacific. 另一种方案是,我们可以由海上直接攻打日本在太平洋中部和南部的岛屿堡垒。
- A less direct attack injects malicious code into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. 一种间接的攻击会将恶意代码注入要在表中存储或作为元数据存储的字符串。
- Lately, he had begun to direct attacks farther afield. 后来,他开始指挥更大范围的袭击。
- General von Mellenthin warned that such a direct attack will be a ride to death, for the German tanks. 德国人将集中的所有可用部队分为两部分,分别部署在库尔斯克突出部的南北两翼。
- Not into Hebei, Taiyuan direct attack, ramming their nests can be in one fell swoop. 不如进军河北,直攻太原,捣其巢穴,可一举而定”。
- The number of aircraft cleared to use Boeing's global positioning system( GPS)- guided Joint Direct Attack Munition( JDAM) family continues to increase. 能够使用的配备gps全球定位系统的联合制导攻击武器的空中平台又添新丁。
- The simulation program is made in order to compare capability of the joint direct attack munition(JDAM) when the upgrade kits are added. 通过六自由度弹道仿真,比较了增加组件前后联合制导攻击武器的性能指标。
- The simulation program is made in order to compare capability of the joint direct attack munition (JDAM) when the upgrade kits are added. 通过六自由度弹道仿真,比较了增加组件前后联合制导攻击武器的性能指标。
- The JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) is a low-cost and high accuracy guidable bomb, owning to the laser guidable bomb have been found many of disadvantages in the war. 联合制导攻击炸弹)是美军针对第三代激光制导炸弹在战争中所暴露出来的各种缺点而研制的一种低成本、高精度的第四代制导炸弹,大力发展国产同类卫星制导炸弹有重大的现实意义和军事意义。
- In 1536 the direct attack on the monasteries began.A Commission had been sent out to gather or concoct enough scandal to justify confiscation on moral grounds. 棉线和棉纱的大量产出迫切需要效率更高的织布机,因为老式织布机历经几个世纪,几乎没有改进。
- The researchers studying heart transplants in mice found that blood vessel cells in the donor organs can unwittingly trigger a direct attack from killer T cells. 这些研究人员研究小鼠的心脏移植,发现捐赠器官的血管细胞会不自觉地引发杀手T细胞的直接攻击。
- During a Direct Attack, the attacking monster's ATK is taken from your opponent's Life Points. 当直接攻击时,对方的基本分将直接扣除你的怪兽的攻击力的数值。
- Your High Priest,Sorcerer,and Shaman will do 5%/15% more damage with their direct attacks. 您的高阶神父,男巫和萨满将提高5%25/15%25的直接伤害。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。