- direct fire heating 活火加热
- direct firing (fire heating) 直接火加热的
- In indirect mode, the rate of fire is lower than with direct fire. 在弹道射击模式下,开火速度低于直瞄射击模式。
- Type of fire heat and type of yin vacuity stirring fire often occurred in ITP. 2.;原发性血小板减少性紫癜临床以实热和阴虚火旺型多见。
- A small gas fire heated the room. 屋子用一个煤气炉火取暖。
- Henting ways: power heated, oil heated, fire heated vapour heated. 加热方式有:电加热、导热油加热、明火加热、蒸气加热。
- Light (field) howitzer: In addition to direct fire, these cannon can fire ballistically (there does not have to be a clear line to the target object). 轻型(野战)榴弹炮:在直瞄射击的基础上,这些火炮能够进行弹道射击(不需要到目标物之间通视)。
- The room was empty except for the woman and a small brick-bed. There was no mat on it, but the small fire heating it filled the room with an acrid smell. 屋子里什么也没有,只有那个妇人和一铺小炕,炕上没有席,可是炕里烧着点火,臭气烘烘的非常的难闻。
- Formed from calcicrete, an advanced concrete mixture, these wall sections serve to both block enemy movement and provide minor cover from direct fire. 由钙质壳构成;是一种高级的混凝土混合物;这种围墙不仅可以阻碍敌军前进;并且可以轻微的防护直射火力.
- The Renegade is a fast attack copter designed to provide ground support. The twin rocket tubes launch direct fire rockets at ground targets. 变节者时一个快速攻击的飞机;被设计用来进行对地支援.;它的双火箭发射匣可以进行直接的对地火箭攻击
- The room was empty except for the woman and a small brick-bed.There was no mat on it, but the small fire heating it filled the room with an acrid smell. 屋子里什么也没有,只有那个妇人和一铺小炕,炕上没有席,可是炕里烧着火,臭气哄哄的非常难闻。
- Built for direct fire support and sub hunting, the Exodus carries an Oblivion Cannon, as well as a variety of anti-sub and anti-torpedo weapons. 为反潜艇和提供直接火力而制造;救赎级装备有一门遗忘大炮;以及大量反潜反鱼雷武器.
- Masked bandits have taken a hand-held automatic weapons, burst into the hotel direct fire on innocent people in the face of crazy practices. 中英文对照:蒙面歹徒们采取了手持自动武器,冲进饭店面对无辜者直接扫射的疯狂作法。
- Type of fire heat was mainly treated by clearing heat and resolving toxin, cooling the blood and stanching bleeding.The main formula was XiJiaoDiHuang decoction. 实热型以清热解毒、凉血止血为主,治以犀角地黄汤加减;
- The Tracer employs the standard Cybran Anti-Air Autocannon for AA defense rather than a direct fire laser. When built over water, the Tracer is fitted with a flotation platform. 追踪者对空使用的是标准的Cybran对空自动炮而不是直接以激光射击。当追踪者在水面建造时,它会配备一个漂浮平台。
- The primary role of the Mech Marine is direct fire support. This lightly armored ground unit sacrifices damage potential and staying power for superior speed and maneuverability. 机甲陆战队在战场上的主要角色就十直接的火力支援.;这种轻装甲陆地单位牺牲了攻击力以换来高超的机动性
- A single Dual Proton Cannon makes up the Salem's primary direct fire capability. This destroyer deploys legs when it encounters land, enabling it to walk, albeit very slowly. 一门双质子大炮组成了塞伦的主要直射火力.;尽管很慢;但是这个驱逐舰在靠近海岸的时候会展开机械腿进行登陆作战
- Standard switch entirely suitable for millivolt service on self-energized control circuits of gas fired heating installations. 在燃气加热安装系统的自激控制电路中,整个标准开关适用于毫伏电压。
- The Galaxy Class Battleship is completely and utterly loaded with weaponry. Its primary role as a direct fire and bombardment vessel is covered by its six Proton Cannons. 银河级战列舰完全的彻底的满载武器;它的主要角色就是直射火力和靠它的6门质子炮进行海岸炮击.
- Make sure that they are spread out and at all times covered by Tripods or PAC's as they (Devastators) are not suited to take direct fire and thus must be protected. 确保它们分散开,并且随时收到三脚和行星突击母舰得保护,由于毁灭战舰不适合直接承受攻击,因此祂们必须被保护。