- direct internal reforming 直接内部重整
- In the past year, we treated seven cases of direct internal carotid cavernous fistula by this method. 在过去一年内我们已用这种方法治疗七个病患。
- Mr Bolton has been criticised for his gruff manner, which some suggest has hampered him in his goal of internal reform at the UN. 波尔顿的粗暴态度遭致批评,有些人认为这将阻碍他推行联合国内部改革的目标。
- Empire Classic with the intention to destroy Lolo Xiu different, should consider the development of internal reform. 与打算破坏布里尼帝国的鲁鲁修不同,考虑着应该发展内部改革。
- In terms of internal reform, we welcome the recent decision to allow foreign journalists to interview and to travel freely on the mainland. 在内部改革方面,我们对中国方面最近做出的允许外国记者在中国大陆自由采访和旅行的决定表示欢迎。
- On the contrary,it is the choice of gradually internal reform strategy and the granary state of then economic resources. 相反,它是内生于渐进改革战略的选择和当时的金融资源禀赋状况;
- We shall further deepen the internal reform of enterprises to form a mechanism under which the employees can enter or exit,the operators can move up or down,and the incomes can rise or fall. 进一步深化企业内部改革,尽快形成人员能进能出,经营者能上能下,收入能高能低的机制。
- We shall further deepen the internal reform of enterprises to form a mechanism under which the employees can enter or exit, the operators can move up or down, and the incomes can rise or fall. 进一步深化企业内部改革,尽快形成人员能进能出,经营者能上能下,收入能高能低的机制。
- direct internal tracheohypopharyngeal shunt 直接气管下咽分流术
- Thirdly, companies in the Asia-Pacific region are facing with a more direct international competition compared with their counterparts in European Union or other economic entities. 第三,比较于欧洲共同体或其它区域经济体的企业,亚太地区的企业所面临的国际竞争更为直接。
- China's banks were initially reluctant to jeopardize their hard-fought internal reforms in the name of inflating a monetary bubble through increased lending. 中国的银行最初在增加贷款吹大金融泡沫的时候是很不情愿的,因为这与它们艰难的内部改革背道而驰。
- PAL, Cebu Pacific and Air Philippines operates daily one-hour flights between NAIA and MIA and there are direct international flights to Cebu from Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia as well. 太平洋航空、宿务太平洋航空和菲律宾航空公司每日都有从阿基诺国际机场和MIA 到这里的航班,航程时间为一小时。此外还有从日本、香港和马来西亚直接飞至宿务的国际航班。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- In the upswing of the long construction cycle, the rural exodus was directed internally to the industrial cities. 在一个长建设周期的繁荣阶段,农村人口的大批外流是流向国内各个工业城市。
- Songtao Manganese Mine, facing the fierce market competition, has deepened the internal reformation to make the enterprise out of the trouble, and obtained remarkablly-improved economic benefit. 详细介绍了松桃锰矿面对激烈的市场竞争,采取深化企业内部改革的办法,使企业走出困境,经济效益显著提高。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- Anastomosis of pancreatic cyst to GI tract direct internal drainage 胰囊肿至肠胃道之内部直接引流吻合术
- She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。
- Can you direct me to the shoe department? 请告诉我卖鞋部在哪里。