- direct labor hour rate [经] 直接人工小时率
- The productive capacity is usually expressed in terms of an activity base, such as machine hours, direct labor cost, or direct labor hours. 标准生产能力通常表达为机器工时、直接人工成本、直接人工工时等指标。
- labor hour rate 人工小时率
- direct labor hour 直接工时
- direct labor hour method 按直接工时分摊间接费用法
- Support the training of direct labor. 协助对一线员工的培训。
- The cost driver used to assign process-engineering costs is the numbers of direct labor hours consumed by products 用于分配生产过程控制成本的成本动因是产品消耗的直接人工工时
- The direct labor costs are derived by multiplying the cost of labor per hour by the number, of man-hours needed to complete the job . 直接人工成本是用每小时的工人成本乘以完成一项任务所需人工小时数得来的。
- Direct labor costs are subdivided by job and then posted to job cost sheets. 直接人工由具体批别负担,并记录到批次成本计算表中。
- Prime costs represent the costs of direct material and of direct labor. 主要成本中包含了直接材料和直接人工费用。
- Therefore, just like the direct material variance, when the labor cost for a task differs from standard, the direct labor variance can be divided into a labor efficiency variance and a labor rate variance. 正像直接材料差异那样,对一项工作的实际成本与标准成本之间的比较,直接人工成本也可以分成工时量差异和工资率差异两部分来分析。
- Implement standard time, accurate labor hour reporting, OEE, IE., QCC and Lean production. 有效执行上司安排的工作,确保高质量、及时地完成。
- direct labor hours basis [经] (计算制造费用率)以直接工时为基础
- Estimated labor hours of effort needed to implement the change. 估计实现变更所需的工作时间。
- Actual labor hours of effort needed to implement the change. 实际实现变更所花的工作时间。
- direct labor hours method [经] 直接人工小时法
- The labor consumed in the processing is often divided into two types, direct labor and indirect labor. 分步法中,人工成本仍然分为直接人工和间接人工。
- We can draw a conclusion that Chinese modernization's ultimate ideality is not only to achieve the concern on labor hour for real-life ind... 中国现代化运动的价值理想在于实现社会的现实的个人对劳动时间的关注,并且通过占有自由劳动时间而达到个人的全面自由发展。
- If job No.3 has incurred direct labor costs $20, it will be applied an over-head cost of $20. 若3号产品批次发生直接人工成本为20美元,则应分配的制造费用为20美元。
- Direct costs are those that form the part of the product, e.g. direct labor, direct materials and direct expenses. 直接成本是构成产品实体的成本,如直接人工、直接材料和直接费用。