- Please keep in a dry and clean place. Avoid direct sunshine. 请置于清洁干燥处保存,避免阳光直射。
- Keep aeration and dryness; Prevent direct sunshine and keep away from heat source. 产品在贮存时应保持通风、干燥、防止日光直接照射并远离热源;
- Keep aeration and dryness;Prevent direct sunshine and keep away from heat source. 产品在贮存时应保持通风、干燥、防止日光直接照射并远离热源;
- Try to reduce direct sunshine as much as possible, so as to prevent earlier weather-shake or aging of the paint owing to too much ultraviolet irradiation. 尽量减少太阳直晒,以免油漆板面经紫外线照射过多提前干裂和老化。
- The living room is the center of family life, should be set up in the South, and to the creation of sufficient foreign direct sunshine and vision windows. 起居室是全家生活的中心,应设置在南向,并开设直接对外有充足日照和视野的门窗。
- The foundation of the machine should not be constructed at a place of conspicuous temperature change, due to direct sunshine, excessive heat or at a place contaminated whit soil or dust particles. 机床的地基不应建在由于阳光直晒而引起温度明显变化的地方,过热或受震的地方,或受尘土污染的地方。
- The package is vacuumiszed aluminum and platinum bag by filling in nitrogen, use up the products as quickly as possible after open or reseal the package, avoid warm temperature and direct sunshine. 该产品铝铂袋抽真空充氮包装,开封后请尽快将产品用完,如不能用完,请用后即刻再次封好,避免室温和直接光晒。
- Be sure to put the mannequin in the place where no direct sunshine can reach, too often sunshines would make the surface coating fade. 模特不要摆在太阳直射的地方,经常照射的话,模特表面的油漆会变色。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- direct sunshine and rain drenching must be prevented during the whole production of gloves. 在手套生产的全过程都防止阳光直射和雨淋。
- She's very direct, believes in speaking her mind. 她为人直率,喜欢有什么说什么。
- Can you direct me to the shoe department? 请告诉我卖鞋部在哪里。
- Be there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning? 从北京到南宁有直达车吗?
- "At the same time the northern half is getting less direct sunshine, because it tips away from the sun. It has shorter days. It has winter." 与此同时,北半球由于偏离太阳,太阳照射的光线较少,白昼比较短,是冬季。
- See that direct heat does not play on it. 当心别让它直接受热。
- It's a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很远--乘火车近。
- Would you please direct me to the zoo? 请问去动物园怎么走?
- My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light. 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。