- The professor warned his students not to dirty their hands by cheating in the examination. 教授警告学生,不要在考试时作弊而有损自己的人格。
- The teacher warned the children not to dirty their hands by cheating in the examination. 教师警告孩子们,不要因考试作弊而降低自己的人格。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。
- dirtied their handsv. 有损于(做可耻的事)
- All the students raised their hands. 所有的学生都举起手来。
- They clapped their hands to welcome him. 他们鼓掌欢迎他。
- The children were balling mud up in their hands. 孩子们正在搓泥球。
- Their hands hardened when they worked on the farm. "他们在农场工作的时候,双手变粗糙了。"
- They seldom let their weapons out of their hands. 他们的武器很少离手。
- She was helpless wax in their hands. 她是一个受他们摆布的没有依靠的人。
- Marchers carried colorful banners in their hands. 游行者手里拿着彩旗。
- They'll be glad to get their son off their hands. 他们再不必为儿子操心,感到很高兴。
- They had their hands tied behind their backs. 他们双手被反剪起来。
- The children sat with their hands tightly clasped. 孩子们坐着,拳头攥得紧紧的。
- Do milkers keep their hands clean? 挤奶工人的手是否干净?
- They all want to get their hands on my money. 他们都觊觎我的钱。
- They came with baskets in their hands. 他们提着筐子来了。
- With their hands froze to the reins. 冻僵在冰风雪雨之中。
- He joined their hands and they were married. 他让他们携起手来,他们结婚了。
- Those who are in favour please hold up their hands. 如果赞成,请举手。