- English is,in particular,the sole medium of instruction in the disciplines of arts,humanities,science,technology,and commerce in local universities. 而且在我国的高等学府教育体系中,文理、工商等专业领域近乎皆以英语授课,形同英美大专学府学制。
- English is, in particular, the sole medium of instruction in the disciplines of arts, humanities, science, technology, and commerce in local universities. 情况却不容乐观。新加坡年轻一代的华人由于接触英语的频率远胜于华语,大部分的英语能力都比华语略胜一筹。而且在我国的高等学府教育体系中,文理、工商等专业领域近乎皆以英语授课,形同英美大专学府学制。
- In part three, the characteristics of arts forms of expressionism are described, taking further steps to explain the eminence of personality, the style of exaggeration and the arts disciplines of harmony and sentimentalism. 第三部分叙述德国表现主义艺术形式的特点,近一步阐释其个性突出、风格夸张及和谐抒情的艺术规律。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- The new recruits are not used to the rigid disciplines of the army. 新兵不习惯于军队的严格纪律。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- An appreciation of art will enrich your life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你的生活
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- She is capable of judging works of art. 她有鉴赏艺术品的能力。
- Every form of art has its limitations. 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。
- As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew. 随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。
- An outstanding work of art or craft. 一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Should the new department form part of the Faculty of Arts? 这个新的系属文学院吗?
- Of all these works of art, the thing I like most is that painting. 所有的艺术品中,我最喜欢那幅油画。
- Received the Bachelor of Arts degree at commencement. 在毕业典礼上接受文学学士学位
- The center will focus on the related disciplines of CI and HUMINT. 该中心将关注反间谍与人工情报的相关条例。
- He put his creation of art by for a year while be worked for the company. 他中断艺术创作达一年之久,到一家公司干活。
- I'm a graduate of Yale University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. 我是耶鲁大学的毕业生,我取得了文学学士学位。
- Youth Circle of Arts founder cum CEO. 青少年艺术坊创办人,总策划,总指挥官,专题讲师。