- disclaimer of onerous property 放弃负有法律义务的财产
- As a precedent, it seems to lead into a vast unknown of onerous accommodations. 这个先例似乎要让航空公司没完没了地为别人提供便利。
- As a leading cadre, Zhao Ronggui bears lots of onerous task in the first place. 作为一名领导干部,赵荣桂首先承担着繁重的工作任务。
- After the recent introduction of onerous new obligations, they are likely to face more. 在最近凭添了繁重的新任务之后,他们可能面对更多的考验。
- You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties. 您必须原封不动地保留所有与本授权条款有关的注意事项以及免除责任声明。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- It is rare that a banker admits to the inevitability of onerous new rules and it is rarer still for a Rothschild rainmaker to speak out. 真是很罕见,一个银行家会认同目前严苛的新规则,而且更罕见的是:一个呼风唤雨的罗斯切尔德人会这样讲。
- By this method, the IMF has also precluded the need for the type of onerous conditions which usually accompany loans under the SBA. IMF也通过该方法排除了通常在SBA协议下附带很多条款的必要。
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- Our proprietary rights, disclaimer of warranties, indemnities, limitations of liability and miscellaneous provisions shall survive any such termination. 我们的所有权、免责声明、赔偿免责声明、责任限制和其他条款仍继续有效。
- In this case notwithstanding the express disclaimer of agency in the service agreement, the Department concluded that on the facts presented an agency could be implied. 在本个案,尽管服务合约明言否认有代理关系,本局根据所提供的事实,认为隐含有代理关系存在。
- The parties understand and agree that the disclaim of warranties in this agreement and that neither party would agree to enter this agreement without such disclaimer. 各方了解并同意此合同中的免责声明,无此免责声明,任何一方不得同意履行该合同。
- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物。
- There is a recognised concept in international finance of “onerous debt”, which says that a population should not be responsible for debts run up by murderous or kleptocratic dictators. 在国际金融界,对“沉重的债务”有一个公认的概念,就是人民不必对杀人放火的独裁者们所欠的债务负责。
- The property belongs to her as of right. 这财产按理说是属于她的。
- He possesses a lot of immovable real property. 他拥有许多不动产。
- Disclaimer of Warranty . 根据本许可证,用户可以不使用此文件。
- Most of his money's tied up in property. 他大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。