- disclaimer of prior art 对先有技术的卸弃
- In the draft SPLT, the definition of prior art and patentability standards seek to avoid encroachment on the public domain. 在《实体专利法》草案中,关于现有技术和专利性标准的定义争取避免侵入共有领域的现象。
- The first factor is the presence of prior art, which may block the applicant from patenting the composition for lack of novelty. 第一种是先有技艺的存在,这可能会令组合物的专利申请因欠缺新颖性而遭拒绝。
- The ABIA does not defend erroneously issued patents based on prior art. ABIA 不错误地防护发行以之前的艺术为基础的专利权。
- We should take such steps as reserving the intellectual property when stabling prior art on TK to protect it. 解决这些问题,应采取有关措施如我国少数民族传统知识在先技术化时做出知识产权权利保留等。
- Do you support or oppose to this kind of prior vetting mechanism? 你有几支持或者反对加入呢D预先筛选机制?
- For example, looking at prior art, it said, these offices had limited resources for their searches on patent applications. 例如,这些主管局在检索现有技术时资源有限。
- A history of prior belladonna medication may help to confirm the diagnosis. 颠茄类药物的服用史可能有助于确定诊断。
- You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties. 您必须原封不动地保留所有与本授权条款有关的注意事项以及免除责任声明。
- Provide IP related work. 1. Prior art searches to assist in evaluating patentability of Emerson's inventions; 2. Searche...... ... 公司名称:艾默生科技资源(西安)有限公司工作地点:吉林省辽源市西安区发布时间:2009-7-18
- Provide IP related work. 1. Prior art searches to assist in evaluating patentability of Emerson's inventions; 2....... ... 公司名称:艾默生科技资源(西安)有限公司工作地点:陕西省西安市发布时间:2009-6-11
- Given your lack of prior criminal record I am inclined towards probation. 鉴于你没有前科,我倾向于判你缓刑。
- It further stated that the proposal would facilitate the work of their intellectual property offices, particularly the patent office for prior art searches. 它进一步说,该提案将促进其知识产权局的工作,特别是专利局关于现有工艺的搜索。
- Our proprietary rights, disclaimer of warranties, indemnities, limitations of liability and miscellaneous provisions shall survive any such termination. 我们的所有权、免责声明、赔偿免责声明、责任限制和其他条款仍继续有效。
- In fact, some insured may be uninsurable because of prior claims experience. 事实上,有些被保险人会因以前的索赔经验而不可保。
- In this case notwithstanding the express disclaimer of agency in the service agreement, the Department concluded that on the facts presented an agency could be implied. 在本个案,尽管服务合约明言否认有代理关系,本局根据所提供的事实,认为隐含有代理关系存在。
- Where the general conditions of a claim are disclosed in the prior art, it is not inventive to discover the optimum or workable ranges by routine experimentation. 当申请专利范围的整体条件,已被先前技术所揭露时,那麽藉由例行实验所发现之最佳或可行的范围,并不是发明。
- The parties understand and agree that the disclaim of warranties in this agreement and that neither party would agree to enter this agreement without such disclaimer. 各方了解并同意此合同中的免责声明,无此免责声明,任何一方不得同意履行该合同。