- Written summary of the discussion of issues and concerns, and their resolution. 所关注问题的讨论以及它们的解决方法的总结。
- Domain forum, For discussion of issues related to domain names, registration, transferring, reselling, international issues, etc. 只限发布域名新闻、域名投资经验、域名知识、咨询解答问题交流。
- At the end of the week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will join the NATO summit for a discussion of issues of keen interest to Moscow, most notably missile defense. 俄罗斯总统普京将于本星期末参加这次北约首脑会议,讨论有关俄罗斯的关键利益问题,很明显,这主要指的是导弹防御问题。
- This paper is a discussion of issues in applying SLA findings to classroom instruction, especially the issue of teachability. 摘要本文探讨了二语习得研究成果在课堂教学中的应用问题,尤其是语言的可教性问题。
- The talks embraced a wide range of issues. 这些谈话涉及的问题非常广泛。
- This is just one of a whole complex of issues. 这仅仅是所有相关的问题之一。
- A head to head discussion of issues between candidates. Debates represent opportunities for candidates to showcase their personalities, policies, and ideas? Or complete lack thereof. 候选人针锋相对地的讨论问题,这是一个机会,可以展示他们的个性,政策,理念。
- Discussions of international news and politics. 关于全球政治军事的讨论。
- The discussions of late are good, for two reasons. 从过去一段时间的讨论来看,我认为这是好的。
- Issues? What kind of issues do you think I have? 事情?你觉得我有什么事情?
- The notepad is a list of issues needing resolution. 这个记事本是一个缺乏决议的发行列表。
- Discussion of the bill was guillotined. 该法案的讨论已被截止。
- Discussion of computational and modeling issues. 计算和建模问题的讨论。
- She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce. 一谈到她离婚的事她就尽量转换话题。
- They followed day by day the discussions of the committee. 他们天天注意执行委员会的讨论。
- Kate always paid attention to personal dimension of issues at work. 凯特在工作中总是关注事情的个人化层面。
- Discussions of this go back to the works of Plato and Aristotle. 关于此的讨论可追溯到柏拉图和亚理斯多德的著作。
- Then we launched into a full discussion of all the issues raised. 然后我们便对提出的全部问题进行了充分讨论。
- The ticket is available on the day of issue only. 本票当天有效。
- The ticket is available on the day of issue. 此票仅发行当天有效。