- In internist popularization psychology disease related knowledge. 内科医生中普及心理疾病的相关知识。
- A mass of data having common characteristics are arranged into related groups. 把具有共同特性的大量数据整理成有关的组。
- The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny. 系统发生论相关生物体群历史的发展;生物体群发展史
- Cerebrovascular disease is a group of diseases related to blood vessels supplying the brain. 脑血管病是由于供应脑部的血管出现问题而引致的一组疾病。
- Related groups are organized on tabs. 相关的组在选项卡上进行组织。
- I am extremely interested in your public relations group. 本人对贵公司的公关工作尤感兴趣。
- Blackfoot disease related to high arsenic in drinking water in Taiwan provin ce does not include in this study. 确认辽宁省曾报道的饮水高砷点现已消除 ;
- Some people can appear sex metathorax is painful, great majority is caused by the disease related to the heart. 有的人会出现房事后胸痛,绝大多数由与心脏相关的疾病造成。
- This article Legionella disease related to recent research carried out on the preliminary. 本文就军团菌病有关研究近况进行了初步阐述。
- YATCH and its related group companies can deal with plastic and metal mold design and production, product forming processing, planning and sales. 可在集团公司内部连贯完成从塑料模具的设计制造产品成形加工到企划及销售的各个环节。
- In the first case, two related group may become adapted to slightly different environments-perhaps varying soil types or food sources. 第一种情况,两个相关群体可能分别适应稍微不同的环境,如土壤类型或食物来源的变化。
- Adipositas is a kind of chronic disease related to many other diseases and harmful to human health. 肥胖是一种与多种疾病相关的慢性病,危害着人类的健康。
- This inflammation is found in a range of diseases related to obesity, including heart disease and diabetes. 从们发现这个炎症存在于一系列与肥胖相关的疾病,包括心脏病和糖尿病。
- Cline A graded series of characters, usually morphological, exhibited by a species or other related group of organisms, usually along a line of environmental or geographical transition. 渐变群:形态学上呈现渐变的一系列性状的一个物种或其他相关生物类群。其表型变化通常是沿着环境或地理梯度过渡的。
- Like that the expert that after invites caricaturist and biology machinery respect is in charge of making a series of picture in order to appear with muscle of each movement related group. 然后让漫画家以及生物机械方面的行家负责做出一系列的图片以呈现与每一节动作有关联的肌肉群。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- By 1993 he sold his company , which had become the market leader , to the US public relations group Edelman . 1993 年,杜孟将当时已发展为行业领导者的公司卖给了美国的爱德曼公关集团。
- Oculocutaneous albinism in eye skin is a series of hereditary disease related to melanin biosynthesis,which is mainly short of melanin of eye,skin,hair and brings various hazard to patients. 眼皮肤白化病是一组与黑色素生物合成有关的遗传性疾病,表现为眼、皮肤、毛发黑色素缺乏等。
- This sentence was chosen as the best answerer and the related group got a prize.The important fact to be considered is that the teacher leads the sentences according to the subject of teaching. 其实;这个句型通常都是教师去协助学生把他造句造的比较完美.;并且也是经过有奖赏所谓的比赛