- The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- disengagement phase 切断期间
- They have decided to phase in the new techniques. 他们已决定逐步引入新技术。
- The windshield wipers are out of phase now. 挡水玻璃刮水器现在动作不协调。
- Anne filled her hours of disengagement with rading. 安以阅读打发空闲的时间。
- Disengagement is more realistic. 解脱则更为现实。
- Be a disengagement to a person to death? 死对一个人来说是不是一个解脱?
- Is abandoning a kind of disengagement? 放弃是不是一种解脱?
- A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process. 契机一个按逻辑发展过程的阶段或方面
- Forgiving is just like disengagement. 宽恕别人就是解脱自己。
- The suicide is kind of disengagement, right? 自杀是种解脱,对吗?
- British Leyland has announced plans to phase out some of its cars next year. 英国雷兰德汽车公司已宣布他们明年将逐步淘汰某些型号的汽车的计划。
- The army plans to phase out the equipment as it becomes obsolete. 军队计划淘汰这些设备,因为它们已经报废了。
- The disease was discovered in an early phase. 病在早期已被发现。
- These two sinusoids are nearly out of phase. 这两个正弦波几乎是反相的。
- What phase of mathematics are you studying now? 你在学习哪一方面的数学?
- A big obstacle in this battle against disengagement is guilt. 在对抗脱离的这场战斗中,一个大的障碍就是内疚。
- Fumigants are pesticides acting in gaseous phase. 熏蒸剂是以气体形式作用的农药。
- The in manacling disengagement of day idea comes out.. 日观念的束缚中解脱出来...