- His father's money left Jim well set up for life. 吉姆的父亲给他留下一大笔钱,足以供他生活一辈子。
- The scandal branded him for life. 这件丑事使他终生蒙受耻辱。
- Her zest for life is as great as ever. 她对生活的极大乐趣一如既往。
- A good education should equip you for life. 有良好的教育能受用终生。
- The accident lamed her for life. 那次事故使她终身残废了。
- The terrible experience had scarred him for life. 这一可怕的经历给他留下了终身的创伤。
- The accident disfigured him for life. 那次事故使他毁容,终生无法恢复。
- He is a photographer for life magazine. 他是《生活》杂志的摄影师。
- Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here. 多年在非洲工作使他不适应这儿的生活。
- The old sailor longed for life ashore. 老水手渴望过陆上生活。
- The head injury deafened her for life. 她头部受伤以致终身耳聋。
- He was banished (from his homeland) for life. 他被终生流放(他乡).
- disfranchised for life 褫夺公权终身
- Winning all that money on the pools set her up for life. 她赢得足球普尔的那些彩金已够她一生花用不尽。
- As a result of that accident he was crippled for life. 由于那场事故,他落下了终身残疾。
- Are you sure that you want him for your partner for life? 你肯定要他做你的终生伴侣吗?
- That bout of food poisoning has turned me off oysters for life! 那一回食物中毒已使我一辈子不食牡蛎了。
- A tenure of an office or a dignity for life. 职位的终身保有终身保有官位或显职的权利
- A bullet lamed the soldier for life. 一粒子弹让这个士兵一生跛足。
- The accident lamed the boy for life. 事故使这个孩子终身残废。