- Unkempt appearance, disheveled hair and dirty face 蓬头垢面
- He is a man with disheveled hair and a dirty face. 这个人总是蓬头垢面。
- Of disheveled hair and dirty face 头发蓬乱;满脸污垢;不事修饰
- Several hundred dishevelled hair and dirty face future people will be grasping the stone, the wooden club fight mutually. 几百个蓬头垢面的未来人正手持石块、木棍相互打斗。
- He was bare-foot, wearing a torn and dirty shirt. 他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。
- Look disheveled and inappropriately dressed. 衣着要整洁得体。
- The boy's dirty face gave the lie to his answer that he had washed. 那男孩的脏脸证明他已洗脸的话是假的。
- He was barefoot,wearing a torn and dirty shirt. 他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。
- There used to be low and dirty houses. 那里曾是些矮而肮脏的房舍。
- Workshop conditions are often noisy and dirty. 工场的环境经常是既嘈杂又肮脏。
- Aziz was sitting up in bed, looking disheveled and sad. 阿济兹在床上坐了起来,头发蓬松,衣衫零乱,样子很难过。
- She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes. 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服。
- He looked tired, disheveled and very pale when he came back home. 他回家时,衣冠不整,脸色苍白,看起来很疲惫。
- That was a mean and dirty thing to do! 做出那种事真够卑鄙无耻的!
- He was bare-foot,wearing a torn and dirty shirt. 他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。
- A dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph. 脸脏了不适合照学生像。
- Which has been dark and dirty, for thousands years! 那已污浊黑暗了,千年的土地!
- He was bare-footed, wearing a torn and dirty shirt. 他赤着脚,穿了一件又脏又破的衬衣。
- The boss had the worker doing heavy and dirty work. 老板让那个工人干又重又脏的活。
- To make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground. 拖脏,拖湿沿地面拖而弄湿和脏