- dishonest or fraudulent act 不诚实或欺骗行为
- Dishonest or unscrupulous;fraudulent. 不老实,无耻的;诈骗的
- Dishonest or unscrupulous; fraudulent. 不老实,无耻的;诈骗的
- Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent. 伪造品,赝品假冒的,伪造的或骗人的东西
- To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods. 假造运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法
- Dishonest or bad management, especially by persons entrusted or engaged to act on another's behalf. 经营不善不诚实或不当的经营管理,尤指那些受他人委托代表他人进行的管理不当
- To use indirect,tricky,or fraudulent methods. 假造运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法
- Something counterfeit,forged,or fraudulent. 伪造品,赝品假冒的,伪造的或骗人的东西
- Dishonest or bad management,especially by persons entrusted or engaged to act on another's behalf. 经营不善不诚实或不当的经营管理,尤指那些受他人委托代表他人进行的管理不当
- An act or a procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means. 诡计,花招一种目的在于通过欺骗性的或欺诈性的方式达到某一结果的行为或计策
- A promoter of speculative or fraudulent enterprises. 冒险性或欺骗性企业的发起人
- If you found this entry is strang or fraudulent, please inform us. 如果发现此投稿有问题,请投诉。
- It has the power to expel companies or dealers believed to be dishonest or insolvent. 它有权开除那些被认为不守信用或无偿付能力的公司或经纪人。
- Any other fraudulent acts of sale with prizes attached. (五)其他欺骗性有奖销售行为。
- To brand or label misleadingly or fraudulently. 错贴标签,贴假标签给贴上有错误引导倾向的或欺骗性的标签
- He's a great man for doing the dirty jobs(= jobs which are unpleasant because they involve being dishonest or mean to people). 他这个人最会干伤天害理的事。
- Agencies frequently use publicity to warn consumers about dangerous products or fraudulent sales practices. 行政机关经常利用报纸就危险产品或虚假销售作法警告消费者。
- These stocks are supervised by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., which has the power to expel companies or dealers determined to be dishonest or insolvent. 这样的股票交易是在全国证券交易公司协会的监督下进行的,该协会有权开除那些弄虚作假或不具备支付能力的公司或经纪人。
- Any wrong or fraudulent misrepresentation of facts will result in delays and or impoundment/seizures. 任何对事实的错误或欺诈的表述均将导致延误、扣留或没收。
- If an audit reveals that someone has filed a false or fraudulent return, the person is subject to fines and, in severe cases, to criminal prosecution. 如果经过核查发现所报的数字是假的,申报人将被处以罚款,如果情节严重便会受刑事起诉。