- Don't try to crash in on me, or I'll dismiss you. 别想占我的便宜,否则我会开除你。
- We have no alternative but to dismiss you. 我们只好辞退你,别无其他办法。
- He threatened to dismiss me from my job, but it's all bluff. 他威胁说要解雇我,但是这不过是恐吓而已。
- Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?
- My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. 按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。
- She cannot by any possibility do such a thing. 她决不会做这种事。
- There is a good possibility of rain tonight. 今晚很可能要下雨。
- Life on other planets is a possibility. 其他行星上有生命是可能的。
- At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented. 起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人,但是后来她态度软化了。
- Please dismiss all doubts about it. 请打消对此事的一切顾虑。
- My plan encompasses every possibility. 我的计划包含了各种可能。
- Dismiss a worker without reason is against the law. 无故解雇一个工人是违反法律的。
- It's not feasible to dismiss him. 不可开除他。
- Many people are worried by the possibility of a nuclear accident. 许多人都很担心怕可能发生核事故。
- Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. 不要说:“这是早晨”, 别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。
- He tried without success to dismiss her/her memory from his thoughts. 他尽量不去想她,然而无济於事。
- The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff. 老板威胁说要解雇他,但这不过是恐吓而已。
- I am frightened to death(that) I will be dismiss. 想到我可能会被开除,我真吓得要死。
- I had to dismiss him,he lost so much time. 我不得不把他解雇,他浪费的时间太多了。
- You left out the possibility that the train might be late. 你忽略了火车或许迟到的可能性。