- The unexpected guest disordered his plans. 这位不速之客打乱了他的计划。
- Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。
- Magnetism is considered as a molecular phenomenon. 电磁被认为是一种分子运动。
- His face was flushed, and his hair disordered. 他满脸通红,头发蓬乱。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- A series of accidents disordered the shop. 一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。
- Magnetism produced by electric charge in motion. 电磁性由运动电荷引起的磁性
- He is a man of great personal magnetism. 他是一位富有个性魅力的男子。
- Physicists are still interested in magnetism. 物理学家对磁力仍有兴趣。
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- disordered magnetism 无序磁性
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属会受磁石的吸引。
- Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。
- The music will settle my disordered brain. 音乐会使我纷乱的思绪得到安定。
- Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists. 紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。
- It sounded just that weird and disordered. 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。
- A disordered condition; a mess or jumble. 混乱状态无次序的状态; 一团糟或乱七八糟
- If a magnet loses its magnetism it will no longer attract things. 磁石如果失去磁力,就不能再吸东西了。
- We think of magnetism as a molecular phenomenon. 我们认为电磁是一种分子现象。