- They disposed of an enemy sentry 他们干掉了敌人的哨兵。
- dispose of an enemy sentry 干掉敌人的哨兵
- Our scouts quietly disposed of the enemy sentry. 我们的侦察兵一声不响地干掉了敌人的哨兵。
- Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas, he is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time, has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot. 通过对最容易遭受攻击的区域的细致瞄准,他能够对敌人造成严重的伤害,只需要一小段时间,他就可以用人们所熟知的那种方法(狙击)来除掉一个对手。
- There's not much fear of an enemy attack (taking place). 敌人不太可能发动攻击。
- That raises the extraordinary possibility of a political assassin - or even a business or love rival - making use of a new way of disposing of an enemy. 这种对付对手的新办法将大大提高暗杀政治人物甚至商业或求爱竞争者的可能性。
- The man mimed the slaying of an enemy. 此人比手划脚地表演砍死一个敌人的情况。
- We live in daily fear of an enemy attack. 我们天天提心吊胆,生怕敌人进攻。
- What had she done to excite the malice of an enemy? 她做了什么事情惹下了这样一个仇敌?
- There 'snot much fear of an enemy attack. 敌人不太可能发动攻击。
- The scouts reported the position of an enemy army. 侦察员报告了敌人部队的位置。
- The fish is like his brother instead of an enemy. 这条鱼不像是他的敌人,而像是他的兄弟。
- A signal fire, especially one used to warn of an enemy's approach. 烽火信号火,尤指警告敌人接近的
- They all trembled at the prospect of an enemy invasion. 他们想到敌人可能入侵都不寒而栗。
- Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive. 敌军显示出进攻的迹象,部队不得不进入戒备状态。
- He was forced to dispose of his art treasures. 他被迫处理掉自己的艺术珍品。
- I want to dispose of these old books. 我想处理掉这些旧书。
- He doesn't know how to dispose of his spare time. 他不知道怎样安排业余时间。
- A contrary or opposing force, especially a military force capable of destroying the nuclear armaments of an enemy. 反力,阻力一种相反或对立的力量,尤指能够摧毁敌人核军事装备的军事力量
- Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 中文:不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。