- disruptive capital flows [经] 破坏性的资本流动
- In the next section we shall ignore international capital flows. 在下一节中我们将不考虑国际资本的流量。
- In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large. 按实际价值计,净资本流入量下降更大。
- Now it is experiencing how fickle international capital flows can be. 同时,其国内市场未得到充分开发,较为疲弱。
- The world needs a less doctrinaire approach to foreign capital flows. 我们需要一种不那么教条的方法来对待外资流动。
- The absence of any restrictions on capital flows into and out of Hong Kong is another important factor. 此外,资金可以自由流入和流出香港,也是一项重要的因素。
- We are also looking for better surveillance or warning system of short term capital flow. 我们也期望加强对短期资金流动的监管或设立短期资金流动警告系统。
- The absence of any restrictions on capital flows into and out of Hong Kong is another important strength. 此外,资金流入和流出香港不受限制,也是另一个重要优点。
- Short-term capital flows include the normal everyday receipts and payments arising out of international trade and finance. 短期资本流动包括在国际贸易和国际金融中发生的日常收入和支出。
- In a world of massively increased capital flows liberalisation can have a destabilising effect if the right codes and standards are not in place. 在资本流动如潮汹涌的世界里,倘若正确的准则和标准尚未建立,自由化将会产生破坏性影响。
- In open economy, capital flows, interest rate and exchange rate are mutually interactive, assort with each other and achieve automatic equilibrium. 摘要开放经济下,资本流动、利率和汇率三者相互联动、相互协调、自动平衡。
- Panel II: Unleashing China's Outbound Capital Flows: Can China's Cash Savey The World? 专题讨论二:开通中国海外资本金流动的渠道:中国资本能拯救世界吗?
- As the vehicle of capital flows,financial field becomes the main way of money laundering. 金融领域是资金流动的载体和媒介,因此也成为洗钱的主要渠道。
- Lee, Teng-hui. 1971.Intersectional Capital Flows in the Economic Development of Taiwan, 1895-1960.Ithaca, N.Y. 李登辉,1991,中国命运自己创造李总统登辉先生言论选集,中央文物供应社编辑。
- Companies capital flows free is of one, the necessary conditions for market economy exist and normal operation. 摘要公司资本自由流动,是市场经济存在并正常运行的必要条件之一。
- Capital markets tend to be segmented due to the existence of various barriers to international capital flows. 由于制度因素,使资金不能在不同市场间自有流动,产生市场分割。
- He has a disruptive influence on the other children. 他能影响别的孩子使他们失控。
- Panel II: Unleashing China's Outbound Capital Flows: Can China's Cash Save Thi World? 专题讨论二:开通中国海外资本金流动的渠道:中国资本能拯救世界吗?
- The biggest sufferer from falling capital flows, though, has been emerging Europe. 不过,受资本流动不断下降影响最大的是欧洲新兴地区。
- I hope their disrupt friendship will be renewed. 我希望他们中断的友谊会继续起来。