- distance learning circle 远程学习圈
- Most educators are in faor of distance learning. 多数教育家支持远程教育。
- The concept of literature autonomy is often used in the learning circle. “文学自主性”是学界经常使用的一个概念或术语。
- The Ghanaians took part from a distance learning center in Accra. 加纳人参加了位于阿克拉的远程中心。
- Navigating the distance learning world can be tricky. 远程学习的世界可能非常棘手。
- Distance learning helps to provide a well-rounded education for all the people. 远程教育有利于给所有人提供完备的教育。
- Commitments and I shall finish my distance learning course in coaching. 我也会完成教练员远程培训课程的学习。
- The actual distance learning system based on Web has some drawbacks. 但是目前的基于Web的远程教学系统存在着一定的不足。
- Self-study packages and distance learning courses are also available for those who are interested. 犯人如有兴趣,也可攻读自修课程及遥距学习课程。
- E-Learning or Distance Learning is a new method with the advent of information technology. 网络学习(DistanceLearning或e-Learning)是一种随着计算机网络技术发展而出现的新的学习方式,它通过创建基于网络的学习环境来帮助学习者达成学习目标。
- These sessions may include Internet Multimedia conferences, distance learning, Internet telephone calls and multimedia distribution. 这些会话可能包括因特网多媒体会议、远程学习、因特网电话通话和多媒体分配等。
- We ask asked the executive director, Michael Labord Lambert, for advice on choosing a distance learning program. 他说,首要的事是到高等教育授权委员会的网站上看学校是否被授权。
- This program has been approved by UBI to be offered through purely distance learning mode by NetAcademy Malaysia. 此课程获联合商学院批准由马来西亚网上学府以纯遥距方式开办。
- This program has been approved by BBI to be offered through purely distance learning mode by NetAcademy Malaysia. 此课程获布鲁赛尔商学院批准由马来西亚网上学府以纯遥距方式开办。
- Just as setting of omnifarious courses, mode of distance learning are varied as well. 正如五花八门的课程设置一样,远程教育的模式也是多种多样的。
- Now ESCC is one of the leading providers of distance learning courses on Russian education market. 现在欧洲函授学校在俄罗斯教育市场是一个领先的远程学习课程供应商。
- While distance learning is now almost entirely online, it is just one weapon in a school's armoury. 尽管目前远程教育几乎完全是在线进行的,但这只是学院多种学习方式中的一种。
- Continuing Education Units (CEU), DANTES Distance Learning Program, and Montgomery GI Bill. 继续教育单位( ceu ) , dantes遥距学习计划,和蒙哥马利胃肠条例草案。
- Distance learning grid is that applying grid computing technology to distance education. 远程学习网格是网格计算技术在远程教育中的应用。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。