- This palmer came from a very distant place. 这个朝圣者来自非常远的地方。
- In a distant place there lives a bonnie lass. 在那遥远的地方有位好姑娘。
- Blessing in distant place parents and friends inly. 衷心祝福远方的父母和朋友!
- You need not have come all the way from such a distant place. 你不必从那么远的地方一路赶来。
- Eyes always can see unreachable scene in the most distant place. 眼睛往往能看得见最远最远也是最遥不可及的风景
- One who travels or has traveled, as to distant places. 旅行者一个旅行或已经旅行过的人,如到遥远的地方
- You take the child to go to distant place, and don't come backed again. 你带着孩子到远处去,不要再回来了。
- They are my friends from distant places. 他们是我的远方来客。
- Optimistic, natural , proper. I think that we can unquestionably become good friend , friend in the distant place. 开朗,大方,得体。我想我们一定能成为好朋友的,远方的朋友。
- Light is wave motion. Light waves,spreading out from a source,carry energy and travel to distant place. 光是一种波的运动。光波从光源传播时带着能量,并能传播很远的地方。
- Distant place: Static thinking, your goal in where? Asks oneself, which duties but also not to complete? 远处:静静的想,你的目标在哪里?问问自己,还有哪些任务没完成?
- The hero in the fiction will go through the worm hole and travel to a distant place in a short time. 小说中的英雄只要走进虫洞,便可瞬间穿梭时空。
- Light is wave motion. Light waves, spreading out from a source, carry energy and travel to distant place. 光是一种波的运动。光波从光源传播时带着能量,并能传播很远的地方。
- She often walks far to a quiet and distant place in the countryside to practice her voice. 她经常走很远的路去乡下去找一个安静;偏僻的地方去练习嗓音.
- The distant place horizon is the world separatrix not merely, will be the future symbol. 远方的地平线不仅仅是天地的分界线,更是未来的象征。
- Merchant hired a Donkey from its Owner to carry his goods and equipment to a distant place. 有个商人雇了只驴子为他驮货物和装备到一个很远的地方。
- In that distant place is a pure clean, it is Kanas, her beautiful, rich and mysterious. 在那遥远的地方有一片纯洁的净土,那就是喀纳斯,她美丽、富饶而神秘。
- The crashing sound still kept drifting melodiously to distant places. 钟声依然悠悠地传向远方。
- You can still see the busy sight from a distante place. 釉下彩的普及,釉下彩的创烧,为长沙铜官窑在中国陶瓷史上留下浓墨重彩的一页。
- Very dark outside, one of lamp even bright street that see daytime, have residential building on the senior level of distant place bright light only. 外面漆黑一片,白天见到的街灯一盏也没有亮,只有远处高层居民楼中亮著灯光。