- The battery's quite low, and needs some distilled water. 蓄电池水位相当低了,需要加些蒸馏水。
- The effects of the different concentrations of aqueous extracts were compared to distil water (control.). 结果表明:不同浓度的含羞草叶子提取物明显影响所选的植物种子根,茎和侧根的延长和生长。
- General: This device can be mounted on wall, and producing the distil water in lower cost, continuously, automatically and effectively. 概述:该装置可安装于墙上,设计为以最低的经济成本持续、自动、有效地生产高质量的蒸馏水。
- Cut whiskey with distilled water. 用蒸馏水稀释威士忌
- Four hundred liters of distilled water is enough. 四百升蒸馏水足够了。
- Pure distilled water is the origin of life. 纯正蒸馏水,生命之源。
- Distilled Water at reflux temperature for 6 hours. 蒸馏水回流6小时
- Remember: Purified water is not distilled water! 友情提醒:纯净水不是蒸馏水!
- The lab uses distilled water for experiments. 实验室用来做实验的都是蒸馏水。
- Distilled water is not in contact with any metal. 蒸馏的水不与任何金属相接触。
- I sudy the experiment device that The improvement of equip obout the method distilling water steam from the peel of orange Concerning to detach lemonene and suggest mend. 本文针对水蒸汽蒸馏法从桔皮中提取柠檬烯实验装置进行了深入的研究,对其实验装置的不足,提出改进的建议。
- This way can protection of bring tap water in the distil water, the tap water bring in the distil water is the main cause of chemical of distil water worse. 通过这种方式能防止夹带原水,夹带原水是蒸馏水中化学或有机软化(退化)发生的主要原因。
- To pass a solvent, such as distilled water, through(a precipitate). 使溶剂(如蒸镏水)通过(沉淀物)
- The battery's quite low,and needs some distilled water. 蓄电池水位相当低了,需要加些蒸馏水。
- The battery 's quite low, and needs some distilled water . 蓄电池水位相当低了,需要加些蒸馏水。
- You can purify the water by distilling. 你可以通过蒸馏来净化水。
- Only put clean tap or distilled water in your Steam Cleaner tank. 蒸汽清洁器水槽中只能注入干净的自来水或蒸馏水。
- Water can be made pure by distilling it. 水可以通过蒸馏而提纯。
- Do not fill the pail with other liquid than distilled water. 除淨化水(蒸餾水)外,請勿使用其他水源。
- Radix Ginseng, Lac Regis Apis, Mel , Distilled Water. 人参,蜂王浆,蜂蜜,蒸馏水。