- But users are laying the groundwork to build distributed applications with object middleware. 但用户们正在为用对象中间件构造分布式应用程序打基矗
- Demonstrates advanced techniques for distributed applications in order to facilitate flexibility and fault-tolerance. 演示分布式应用程序的高级技术,目的是更方便地发挥灵活性和容错能力。
- His areas of expertise include designing and developing stand-alone to n-tier distributed applications. 他的专长包括设计和开发从独立应用程序到n层分布式应用程序。
- Considering that, logging is especially well suited to tracing and debugging complex distributed applications. 鉴于此,日志记录特别适合跟踪和调试复杂的分布式应用程序。
- NetLogger tools to make it easy to instrument distributed applications and visualize the results. 一款可以简易地获得分布式应用程序及结果形象化的工具。
- You can even collect data from remote systems to pinpoint performance bottlenecks at any point in distributed applications. 你还可以在分布式应用程序里,从远程系统里获取任何特定点上的精确性能瓶颈信息。
- Design distributed application systems for deployment. 设计用于部署的分布式应用程序系统。
- Of this series on transactions, we covered the basics of what transactions are and why they are critical to building reliable distributed applications. 我们讲述了一些基础知识,包括什么是事务,以及事务对于构建可靠的分布式应用程序来说至关重要的原因。
- Securing distributed applications poses a problem that is difficult to overcome without resorting to measures that degrade performance. 加强分布式应用程序的安全给我们带来一个难题,如不求助于将会降低性能的手段,很难将其克服。
- With the progress of distributed computing, the technologies of developing and operating distributed applications have got remarkable evolution. 随着分布计算技术的发展,分布式应用的开发方法和运行机制得到不断完善。
- There are two classes of security problems in distributed computing system,security of hosts and security of distributed applications. 分布式计算系统安全问题分为两大类:分布式计算的安全和主机的安全。
- Firstly outline a set of driving factors in selecting an approach to engineering and evolving large, complex, distributed applications. 首先给出了大规模复杂分布式应用程序设计和进化方法选择中的关键因素;
- It also provides the capability for a large variety of distributed applications to invoke procedures at remote locations on the SS7 network. 该协议还为各种不同的分布式应用程序提供了在 SS7 网络的远程位置调用过程的能力。
- CORBA is an emerging middleware standard for Object Request Brokers(ORBs)that simplifies the development of distributed applications and services. CORBA是有关用于简化分布式应用与服务软件开发的对象请求中介的一个中间件标准。
- To properly prepare performance test scripts, the script developer must have a good understanding of distributed applications using HTTP and XML protocols. 为了正确地准备性能测试脚本,脚本开发人员必须很好地理解使用HTTP和XML协议的分布式应用程序。
- Single-cassette CR system is ideal for distributed applications, processes up to 105 cassettes per hour and is streamlined for easy placement - speed where you need it. 单暗盒CR系统是分布式应用的理想之选,每小时可处理多达105个暗盒,外形简单,便于放置,唾手可得。
- Abstract: CORBA is an emerging middleware standard for Object Request Brokers(ORBs)that simplifies the development of distributed applications and services. 摘 要: CORBA是有关用于简化分布式应用与服务软件开发的对象请求中介的一个中间件标准。
- Describes how Visual Studio Templates and Policy wizards provide a reusable structure for a distributed application. 描述Visual Studio模板和策略向导如何为分布式应用程序提供可重用的结构。
- Many things can go wrong with a distributed application, so it is best to anticipate the problems ahead of time. 对于分布式应用程序来说,有许多地方都有可能出错,所以最好是提前预见问题。
- Developing distributed application clients involves many interrelated design considerations. 开发分布式应用程序客户机涉及许多相关的设计考虑事项。