- distributed execution plan [计] 分布式执行计划
- Dropping an index used by the execution plan. 删除执行计划所使用的索引。
- Rewrite the query to produce a different query execution plan. 重写查询以生成不同的查询执行计划。
- The execution plan output of the Stream Aggregate operator appears below. Stream Aggregate运算符的执行计划输出显示如下。
- The final, optimized version of the query tree is called the execution plan. 查询树的最终、优化的版本称为“执行计划”。
- This is plumbing-level stuff supporting the interesting stuff like distributed data management, discovery, and distributed execution management. 这是纵向的素材,可以支持一些有趣的内容,例如分布式数据管理、发现以及分布式执行管理。
- The relational engine starts executing the execution plan. 关系引擎开始执行执行计划。
- Record details of your test, such as changes you made, response time, and execution plan. 记录测试细节,例如您所做的修改、响应时间和执行计划。
- Variables do not generate parallel query execution plans. 变量的查询不会生成并行查询执行计划。
- A serial execution plan, used by a nonparallel query, uses only one thread for its execution. 非并行查询使用的串行执行计划仅使用一个线程来实现执行。
- The number of times the server changed its execution plan during execution as a result of low memory conditions. 服务器由于内存条件不足而在执行期间改变其执行计划的次数。
- There is no discussion on any execution plan which has to be developed by each individual group in a later stage. 我们没有讨论任何实践计划,这需要各组织各社团进一步思考设计。
- The output of the optimizer is a query execution plan, sometimes referred to as a query plan or just a plan. 优化器的输出称为“查询执行计划”,有时也称为“查询计划”或直接称为“计划”。
- If necessary, the optimizer adds a work table to the execution plan to ensure this. 如果必要,优化器将向执行计划添加一个工作表以确保该实现。
- The serial execution cost of the query is not high enough to consider an alternative, parallel execution plan. 查询的串行执行成本并不过高,无需考虑替代的并行执行计划。
- The graphical execution plan output in SQL Server Management Studio is read from right to left and from top to bottom. 按照从右到左、从上到下的方式阅读SQL Server Management Studio中的图形执行计划输出。
- At this step, you need to dig into the statistics you collected above and take a good look at the query execution plan. 在这一步中,需要挖掘上面所收集的统计数据,并仔细查看查询执行计划。
- A query can use an indexed view in its execution plan even if it does not satisfy these GROUP BY restrictions. 即使一个索引视图不满足这些GROUP BY限制,查询也可以在其执行计划中使用该视图。
- This fixed join order could lead to execution plans that are less than optimal. 这一固定的联接顺序可能会导致执行计划不能达到最优。
- Stored procedures are groupings of SQL statements that have been compiled together into a single execution plan. 存储过程是集团的SQL语句已汇编在一起,形成一个单一的执行计划。