- The name of the range can then be referenced as a table name in a distributed query. 这样,可以在分布式查询中将此范围的名称引用为表名称。
- A remote table can be updated or deleted through a keyset cursor defined on a distributed query. 通过对分布式查询定义的键集游标可以更新或删除远程表。
- Indicates that a distributed query has run and has collected information that corresponds to the provider connection. 指示分布式查询已运行并收集到与提供程序连接对应的信息。
- NULL constants cannot be inserted into a timestamp column through a distributed query. 无法通过分布式查询将NULL常量插入timestamp列中。
- Dynamic or forward-only cursors requested with a distributed query are implicitly converted to keyset-driven cursors. 通过分布式查询请求的动态或只进游标会被隐式转换为由键集驱动的游标。
- Not specifying a schema name in a distributed query prevents OLE DB from finding tables. 没有在分布式查询中指定架构名称将禁止OLE DB查找表。
- GROUP BY ALL is not allowed in a distributed query when the query also has a WHERE clause. 当查询中还包含WHERE子句时,在分布式查询中不能使用GROUP BY ALL。
- The only way for a remote server to enlist in the transaction is to be the target of a distributed query or a remote stored procedure call. 远程服务器登记到事务中的唯一方法是成为分布式查询或远程存储过程调用的目标。
- An error is raised if you set the SQL Native Client OLE DB provider to run out of process and try to run a distributed query. 如果将SQL Native Client OLE DB访问接口设置为在进程外运行并试图运行分布式查询,将引发一个错误。
- The distributed query must meet the requirements for SELECT statements used in a DECLARE CURSOR statement that declares the keyset-driven cursor. 分布式查询必须满足在声明由键集驱动的游标的DECLARE CURSOR语句中所使用的SELECT语句的要求。
- This means that the caller of a distributed query must have CONTROL, ALTER, TAKE OWNERSHIP, or VIEW DEFINITION permission on the remote table. 这意味着分布式查询的调用方必须对远程表具有CONTROL、ALTER、TAKE OWNERSHIP或VIEW DEFINITION权限。
- A keyset-driven cursor is supported on a distributed query if all local and remote tables in the query have a unique key. 如果分布式查询中的所有本地和远程表都有唯一的键,则该查询支持由键集驱动的游标。
- SQL Server developers and administrators can use the provider with Integration Services, Analysis Services, Replication, Reporting Services, and Distributed Query Processor. SQL Server开发人员和管理员可以将此访问接口与Integration Services、Analysis Services、复制、Reporting Services和分布式查询处理器结合使用。
- The Transact-SQL statement can be any valid statement that returns a results set, such as a distributed query or a SELECT statement joining several tables. 该Transact-SQL语句可以是任何可返回结果集的有效语句,例如分布式查询或联接多个表的SELECT语句。
- The mode of query include classing query, synthesis query or fuzzy query, Latin query,offset query, distributing query, average class query,theory query, etc. 查询方式包括分类查询、综合查询 (模糊查询 )、拉丁文查询、分支查询、分布查询、常见种类查询、原理查询等。
- Distributed queries access data from multiple heterogeneous data sources. 分布式查询从多异类数据源中访问数据。
- Even if one of the databases supported distributed queries, most users cannot construct the required query, and tools may provide insufficient support to the user in this task. 即使其中的一个数据库支持分布式查询,大多数用户仍然无法构造所需查询,而且在此任务中工具可能无法向用户提供足够的支持。
- Site selection in Distributed Query Processing 分布式查询处理中的场地选择
- A Message Oriented Middleware-based Distributed Query System 基于消息中间件的分布式查询系统
- The letter was referred back (to us) with a query. 该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释。