- This tab displays information on the Distribution Agent for a subscription. 此选项卡显示订阅的分发代理的信息。
- Cannot add a Distribution Agent at the Subscriber for a push subscription. 无法在订阅服务器上为强制订阅添加分发代理。
- View the status of snapshot application in the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent page of Replication Monitor. 请在复制监视器的“分发代理”页或“合并代理”页中查看快照应用的状态。
- The percentage value that controls when the Distribution Agent assigns a new identity range. 用于控制分发代理何时分配新标识范围的百分比值。
- It will not cause an error if the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent runs at the same time as the Snapshot Agent. 如果分发代理或合并代理和快照代理同时运行,不会引发错误。
- The Queue Reader Agent uses the same connection context as the Distribution Agent for the subscription. 对于订阅,队列读取器代理与分发代理使用相同的连接上下文。
- If a Distribution Agent is ordered to terminate its Fund distribution business, it shall cease Fund sales activities. 签订新的代销协议;代销机构被责令终止基金代销业务的,应当停止基金销售活动。
- Percentage value indicating when the Distribution Agent assigns a new identity range. 表示分发代理何时分配新标识范围的百分比值。
- You can also change settings associated with the Distribution Agent for an immediate updating subscription. 还可以为立即更新订阅更改与分发代理关联的设置。
- Specifying a value of 64 causes the Distribution Agent to run in continuous mode. 指定值64将使分发代理在连续模式下运行。
- The time of day when the Distribution Agent will stop being scheduled, formatted as HHMMSS. 停止调度分发代理的时间,格式为HHMMSS。
- Raising the error forces the Distribution Agent to retry the updates over a single connection, which will succeed. 产生错误后,会强制分发代理通过单连接重试更新,这样更新就会成功。
- When not specified, the error file is generated in the current directory of the Distribution Agent. 如果没有指定,则在分发代理的当前目录中生成此错误文件。
- Is the percentage value that controls when the Distribution Agent assigns a new identity range. 百分比值,用于控制分发代理何时分配新标识范围。如果使用。
- Is the time of day when the Distribution Agent is first scheduled, formatted as HHMMSS. 分发代理第一次计划执行的时间,格式为HHMMSS。
- Is the time of day when the Distribution Agent stops being scheduled, formatted as HHMMSS. 停止安排分发代理的时间,格式为HHMMSS。
- To initialize the subscription, start the Distribution Agent after the snapshot is available. 若要初始化订阅内容,在快照可用之后启动分发内容代理程序。
- When a Distribution Agent uses this profile, the following parameters are used to invoke the Agent. 当分发内容代理程序使用该配置文件时,下列参数用于调用代理程序。
- Reinitialization will occur the next time the Snapshot Agent and Distribution Agent run. 在下次运行快照代理程序和分发代理程序时将重新进行初始化。
- Your duties include checking the post and distributing it. 你的职责是检查和发送邮件。