- divergent birth process 发散增延过程
- Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process. 有些妇女惧怕在分娩过程中难以自制。
- The idea is to simulate the human birth process by manually moving the fetal head through the pelvis. 这个想法旨在通过手工移动婴儿头骨通过骨盆,来模仿人类的生产过程。
- The idea is to simulate thehuman birth process by manually moving the fetal head through thepelvis. 这个构想是通过移动婴儿头骨穿过骨盆,来模仿人类出生的过程。
- The effects of the two kinds of nursing cares on the birth process and parturition manner in the process of birth were compared. 比较生产过程中两种护理对产程及分娩方式的影响;
- Duration of the first and the second birth process as well as total process were shorter in observation group than that of the contr... 结论家庭陪伴分娩虽然导致剖宫产率上升,但能有效缩短产程、减少产后出血量,在一定程度上提高产科质量,可适当应用于临床。
- Results: The common manifestations were premature rupture of membrane, lasting birth process, uterine inertia and cervix edema. 结果:胎膜早破、产程延长、宫缩乏力、宫颈水肿为常见临床表现。
- Cervix dilation and descending of fetal head are the most important parameters to evaluate birth process in clinical obstetrics. 宫颈扩张和胎头下降是两个标志产程进展的最重要的指标。
- The analgetic effect and the influece on birth process,childbirth way,postpartum bleeding volume,foetus and newborn as well as adverse reaction were compared respectively. 结果:观察组镇痛效果显著,产妇自我感觉良好,产程较未干预组明显缩短,两组各项观察指标差异无显著性。
- Objective To investigate effect of Doula delivery on delivery pattern,postpartum haemorrhage,birth process and neonatal asphyxia by observing 300 deliveries with doula. 目的探讨导乐陪产对分娩方式、产后出血、产程及新生儿窒息发生率的影响。
- The process of bringing in the nations is a birthing process. 将万国带进神的家.;是一个生产过程。
- Conclusion: The usage of mifepristone in combination with rivanol in induction of labor can be recommended for its promotion of birth process and less complication. 对于未成年少女及45岁以上高龄孕妇的中期妊娠引产联合用药的有效性和安全性,需进一步研究。
- She disposes of all the evidence of the birthing process. 这次行动刺激小猫排泄他们的废品。
- WTH X C ASE REPORTAt first birth process, the midwife accompanied the lying-i n woman shifted to the delivery room and told her the ease pain and how to c ontr ol the labor step at the labor. [病例报告 ]在第一产程 ,产妇转入产室后由助产士陪伴 ,告知产妇分娩时的镇痛及应急措施 ;
- The test group had superior in many aspects to the control group (P<0.05) Conclusion The psychological nursing care for puerperpant in birth process can ease her suffering, shorten birth process, improve natural labour rate. 实验组产妇多方面优于对照组(P <0 .;0 5 )。 结论 产程中对产妇实施心理护理能减轻产妇痛苦;缩短产程;提高顺产率
- By describing the birth process of the cloned sheep "Dolly",the thoughts of self-contradict conversion,dialectical relations between main and s econdary contradiction and the material unity theory were illustrated. 论文通过克隆羊“多莉”的产生过程 ,阐述了其中蕴含的矛盾转化、主要矛盾和次要矛盾辩证关系及世界统一于物质的辩证唯物主义思想。
- Laboring by Doula mode for 70 cases and contracting with 70 cases.The method of Doula mode can shorten birth process and decrease postpartum hemorrhage and improve emotional instability. 导乐式分娩70例与对照组70例经对比分析,得出导乐分娩可使产程缩短,产后出血量减少。
- Conclusion Birth process diagram combined with cephalic presentation score has very important role in the the recognise of head-position difficult labor and the selection of the mode of labor. 结论产程图结合头位分娩评分法,对头位难产异常产程的早期识别及选择恰当的分娩方式上具有重要的指导意义。
- Methods850 cases of nulliparous women were evaluated with birth process diagram and cephalic presentation score, to recognise the annormal labor process and to select the appropriate mode of labor. 方法用产程图和头位分娩评分法对850例头位初产妇产程进行观察评估,识别异常产程,选择恰当的分娩方式。
- This kind of viewpoint thinks Marx is not the angle from value birth process divisional production work and nonproductive labor, make afore-mentioned distinguishing from capitalistic angle however. 这种观点认为马克思不是从价值增殖过程的角度区分生产劳动和非生产劳动,而是从资本家的角度作上述区分。