- When it comes to computers, people hold divergent views. (句型翻译:当谈到...时,人们有著不同的观点。)
- It has been the Confucian philosophy to accommodate divergent views. 正如儒家所说的“君子和而不同,小人同而不和”。
- However, there are widely divergent views about the best way to do it. 但是,就阻止这种“生意”的最好方式,却存在很大的分歧。
- Czech has divergent views on the issue of the Benes Decrees with that of Germany, Austria and Hungary . 捷克与德国、奥地利和匈牙利在贝奈斯法令问题上存在分歧。
- There are divergent views in the community on the issues of principles relating to constitutional development. 社会上对有关政制发展原则问题的讨论十分广泛,意见纷纭。
- After taking into account the divergent views of the public, I have decided to maintain the status quo for now. 过,考虑到社会上的分歧,我决定现阶段不作任何调整。
- Simon Longstaff, of the St James Ethics Centre in Sydney, praised the report as a "pathway" for bringing together divergent views. 悉尼圣詹姆士伦理中心的西蒙%238226;罗斯塔夫把这分报告赞誉为是聚集不同观点的“一条路”。
- It drives the salespeople crazy and you don't benefit from five different people offering wildly divergent views. 这会让销售人员头疼,而且你无法从太多有分歧的见解中获益。
- Divergent views on laws between Chinese and western people illustrate their discrepancies in terms of legal history and administrative cultures. 当前我们全盘移植西方法律体系,然而在实证经验上仍有?I格不入之处。
- "It is inevitable that people hold divergent views on issues, but politicizing the Olympics will not address those issues," Hu said. “人们在某些问题上保持不同的见解是不可避免的,但是政治化奥林匹克将也无法化解这些问题。”
- Fuxi divergent views on the birth, spread a lot of beautiful legends, and now I'll tell you that for some of the interesting legendlei hu myth. 关于伏羲的出世众说纷纭,流传着很多美丽的传说,现在我就给大家说一段类乎神话的有趣传说。
- As we have pointed out in paragraph 5.26 of the fifth report, there are divergent views within the community on the formulation of a timetable for attaining universal suffrage. 正如我们在第五号报告的第5.;26段中表示;目前社会上对订立达致普选时间表的问题有不同意见。
- Language educators often have strong and divergent views as to which approach helps learners achieve better results: a bilingual approach, an ESL approach-or even a pure immersion ("sink or swim") approach. 语言教育学家对何种方法才能帮助学生更有效地学习英语--利用双语教学、ESL教学、或让学生完全浸入一个英语的环境(认输或强学--),都拥有强烈并分歧的看法。
- In addition to compensation, the firm is grappling with issues regarding divergent views amongst the partners, building a brand in a very competitive marketplace, and the stability of the core team. 除了奖励,公司还努力解决合伙人之间的分歧、打造具有市场竞争力的品牌及进行核心团队稳定性建设。
- the system of divergent views in execution 执行异议制度
- I find his racist views totally repugnant. 我十分厌恶他的种族主义观点。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
- Death put an end to his views and prospects. 死亡毁掉了他的前途和希望。
- May I ask for your views on a few questions? 我能否请你谈谈对几个问题的看法?