- They did everything they could to help us. 他们尽一切力量帮助我们。
- They did everything they could to isolate the Black people. 他们想各种办法孤立黑人。
- They did everything they could to defend their motherland. 他们尽一切力量保卫祖国。
- They did everything they could to stay the progress of the disease. 他们做了一切努力来制止疾病发展。
- They were doing everything they could to help the fatherland . 他们尽其所能资助他们的祖国。
- They were doing everything they could to help the fatherland. 他们尽其所能资助他们的祖国。
- They did everything they could to save the worker's life. 他们尽一切努力拯救这个工人的生命。
- The doctors did everything they could [in their power] to save the child. 大夫尽了一切力量来抢救这个孩子。
- Those hard-core royalists did everything they could to sabotage the new policy. 这些顽固的保皇势力对新政进行种种的阻挠。
- Kwan's parents recognized their daughter's enthusiasm in figure skating early on and did everything they could to nurture her talent. 关颖杉的父母在关的幼年时代就看出了孩子在花样滑冰方面的天赋,从此就想方设法地培养她。
- Shit-Bien and his conspirators are doing everything they could to prevent us to have a decent life. 我们中间又有多少人可以在不到两个月的时间存进一亿七千万新台币?
- They resented Paul's choice of Timothy as pastor and did everything they could to discredit and intimidate the young man. 他们非常不满保罗选派提摩太当牧师,因此,他们尽一切力量羞辱及吓阻这位年轻人。
- The Dark Kingdom began doing everything they could to take the crystal, even capturing and brainwashing Endymion and instructing him to destroy Sailor Moon and steal the crystal. 黑暗王国开始尽他们所能拿那水晶, 甚至捕获和洗脑月之女神所爱的英俊牧童而且教他破坏水手月亮而且偷那水晶。
- For three months they did everything they could to rebuff Microsoft, which was offering to buy the internet company at a big premium to its value before the bid. 三个月以来,他们想尽一切办法拒绝微软公司的收购,微软当时试图以超过雅虎市值的价格收购这家互联网公司。
- ACOG urges all women smokers to do everything they can to give up. ACOG敦促所有的女性吸烟者尽一切力量来戒烟。
- They plundered the village of everything they could lay hands on. 他们抢走了那个村庄所有能拿走的东西。
- Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. 13你要赶紧给律师西纳,和亚波罗送行,叫他们没有缺乏。
- Finally, the Obama administration and Democrats in general need to do everything they can to build an F.D.R. 最后,奥巴马政府和全体民主党应该全力以赴与公众建立罗斯福式的纽带关系。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。
- Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this facade, but they will do very little to develop their inner value and personal growth. 他们势必尽一切可能来保全这种表面形象,却很少会去培养自己内在的价值和注重个人的成长。