- FLV video format will be automatically generated into a separate document flow. 导入视频后会自动生成FLV格式的单独流式文件。
- The Document Centre 706 606 is at the heart of the total document flow in the office. Document Centre 706 606是办公室内所有文件流汇聚的核心。
- The administrator sets the Document Flow Action as both the Source and the Target. 系统管理员既将Document Flow Action设为源,又将其设为目标。
- Once the Document Flow Definition is established, the administrator can set up a valid interaction for the Web service. 一旦建立了Document Flow Definition,系统管理员就可以为Web服务建立有效的交互。
- A record of information on the mouse and keyboard hook procedure. And the mouse and keyboard to the new message playback, use the document flow and knowledge point. 一个记录鼠标与键盘信息的钩子程序。并能将鼠标与键盘的信息从新回放,用到了文件流与等知识点。
- There are three major flows involved in global logistics: material flow, document flow and cash flow. 全球物流涉及到三种流转:物料流转,单据流转和资金流转。
- Control of the document flow. 控制单据流。
- This procedure will upload progress bar displayed when the function, when the upload file, the client at the same time show file upload progress, so keep abreast of the situation of document flow. 本程序将实现上传文件时显示进度条的功能;当上传文件时;客户端同时显示文件上传进度;从而及时了解文件的传送情况.
- JAVA small slate procedure, which involves a mouse, drawing functions, document flow, open documents and content preservation. JAVA小画板程序,涉及到鼠标事件、画图函数、文件流、文件的打开与保存等内容。
- Requirement: This value is required to be unique among document flows for Web Service protocol. 要求:在Web服务协议的文档流中该值必须是唯一的。
- A document flows from one component to the next, gradually building the final output. 文档从一个组件流向下一个组件,逐步形成最后的输出。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- Liase with the manufacturing manager on a day-to-day basis on production documentation flow. 与生产经理日常联系,确保文件在车间顺利流通。
- Set up of accounting document flow system; 建立会计流程及系统;
- He tried to enter the country with forged document. 他试图用伪造的文件进入该国。
- The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- Please hand on the document to others. 请把这份文件依次传递给他人。
- Let me hand you these shipping document one by one. 让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。