- Patriotism, when it wants to make itself felt in the domain of learning, is a dirty fellow who should be thrown out of doors. 爱国主义,当它涉入认知领域时,是一个应该被扔出门外的混小子。
- She has not one dram of learning. 她一点学问也没有。
- He set up for a man of learning. 他自认为是个有学问的人。
- He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. [谚]耻于问即耻于学。
- His purpose of learning is to be a doctor. 他学习的目的是想当医生。
- The domain of our country is vast. 我国领域广大。
- The air is not the domain of winged beasts alone. 天空并不是有翼动物的专有领域。
- This is the domain of metaethics. 这就是元伦理学的领域。
- This was the domain of the Park Deva. 这是湖提婆的领地。
- We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English. 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。
- We enter the domain of the pine trees. 我们进入了松树生长带。
- The doctor works in the domain of public health. 医生在公众健康范围内工作。
- Not (being) fond of learning, he ran away from home. 由于不喜欢读书,他就离家出走了。
- The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning. 大学的目标应是促进学术。
- This question come into the domain of philosophy. 该问题属哲学范畴。
- This question comes into the domain of philosophy. 这一问题属于哲学范畴。
- The estate or domain of a feudal lord. 采邑封建主的领地、领土
- I am a complete layman in the domain of chess. 在国际象棋领域我是一个彻底的外行。
- I know little about the domain of literature. 对于文学领域我所知甚少。
- The Emperor is a renowned patron of learning. 这位皇帝是一位有名的崇尚学术的君王。