- A policy that seeks to regulate an economy by altering the domestic money supply, especially by increasing it in a moderate but steady manner. 货币政策一种通过改变国内货币供应量,尤指有节制而平稳地增长货币供应量从而达到调整经济的目标的政策
- A policy that seeks to regulate an economy by altering the domestic money supply,especially by increasing it in a moderate but steady manner. 货币政策一种通过改变国内货币供应量,尤指有节制而平稳地增长货币供应量从而达到调整经济的目标的政策
- Central Bank activity in the domestic money market to reduce the impact on money supply of its intervention activities in the forex market. 国内货币市场上中央银行的活动,目的在于减少其在外汇市场上的干预活动对货币供应量的影响。
- Alternatively, flexible exchange rates would gyrate wildly under the pressure of huge flows on a scale that represents a multiple of the domestic money supply in a small country like New Zealand. 反过来,由于资金流动的规模是新西兰那样的小国家的国内货币量的几倍,在这种压力下,如果实行灵活的汇率机制,汇率将会疯狂波动。
- Appropriately increasing money supply to expand domestic demand. 一是适当增加了货币供应,扩大了国内需求。
- domestic money supply 本地货币供应量; 国内货币供应
- Yano's whole money supply is convertible into gold. 雅努国的所有纸币都是可以换成黄金的。
- This kind of shock threatens to upset the domestic economy by causing a surge or plummeting of the money supply. 这种冲击由于会引起货币供应量的骤增或骤减而有扰乱国内经济的危险。
- In an increase in the money supply. 货币发行的增加。
- Appropriate growth was seen in money supply. 货币供应量适度增长。
- Money supply registered rapid increase. 货币供应量增长加快。
- This increase in the money supply fed inflation. 增加货币的供应回加剧通货膨胀。
- Real money supply in China would not change at all. 在中国,真正的货币供应量根本没有变化。
- Monetary policy should not only accommodate the expansion of domestic demand, but also prevent excessive money supply. 制定货币政策既要考虑扩大内需,又要防止盲目扩张货币供应。
- Monetary policy should not only accommodate the expansion of domestic demand,but also prevent excessive money supply. 制定货币政策既要考虑扩大内需,又要防止盲目扩张货币供应。
- The accumulation of vast foreign-exchange reserves has fuelled domestic money growth and the inflation rate has tripled in the past year. 巨大的外汇储备累积导致国内货币持续增长,过去的一年中通货膨胀率3倍于之前。
- Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow. 由于资金的大量流入货币供应已大增。
- The main cause for price decline was not inadequate money supply. 当前物价下降的主要原因不是货币供应不足。
- During the month, money supply growth continued to slow. 月份货币供应增长持续放缓。
- During the month, money supply growth has continued to slow. 月份货币供应增长继续放缓。