- Constant load tensile test was adopted to study the influence of welding material match and alloy element content on SSCC(sulfide stress corrosion cracking) of domestic pipeline steels. 采用恒载荷拉伸法,测试了国产管线钢母材及其焊接接头的硫化物应力腐蚀开裂SSCC性能。
- Influencing Factors of SSCC for Domestic Pipeline Steels 管线钢硫化氢应力腐蚀的影响因素
- Keywords domestic pipeline steels;welding material match;alloy element;SSCC; 国产管线钢;焊接匹配;合金元素;硫化物应力腐蚀开裂;
- Influence of welding material match and alloy element content on corrosion properties of domestic pipeline steels 焊接匹配及合金元素对国产管线钢腐蚀的影响
- domestic pipeline steels 国产管线钢
- Toughness is one of important properties for pipeline steel. 韧性是管线钢最重要的性能之一。
- The parameters which affect the toughness of high grade pipeline steels were studied using electron backscatterea diffraction (EBSD). 摘要用电子背散射衍射对系列高钢级管线钢的晶体学参数进行了研究。
- The parameters which affect the toughness of high grade pipeline steels were studied using electron backscatterea diffraction(EBSD). 用电子背散射衍射对系列高钢级管线钢的晶体学参数进行了研究。
- The deformability and relevant property indexes of pipeline steel and delivery pipe have been summarized in this paper. 综述了管线钢及输送管的变形能力及相关指标。
- Toughness distributions of different area on HAZ of grade X80 pipeline steel have been studied. 研究了X80级管线钢焊接热影响区不同区域的韧性分布。
- Effect of X60 pipeline steel microstructure on its yield behavior during tensile test is studied. 研究了X60管线钢的显微组织对其拉伸过程中屈服行为的影响。
- Abstract Corrosion resistance play an important role in the reliability of pipeline steels, and HIC (Hydrogen Induced Cracking) is one of failure forms for pipeline. 摘要 耐蚀性是影响管道可靠性的重要因素,其中氢致裂纹是管道的失效形式之一。
- Improving measures are put forward through cause analysis on unqualified DWTT of L360MB pipeline steel. 分析管线钢L360MB落锤不合格的原因,提出生产改进措施。
- The micro-structure and mechanical properties of X65 pipeline steel jointer weld were studied. 研究了X65管线钢焊接接头的显微组织和力学性能。
- The delamination crack and its effect on the fracture of pipeline steel were investigated by drop-weight tear test(DWTT)at different temperature and micrograph analysis. 通过对管线钢不同温度的落锤撕裂试验和微观断口分析,研究了DWTT试样断口的分层裂纹及其对断裂的影响。
- The production technology and mechanical properties of X65 pipeline steel plate produced by 3500 steckel mill at Nanjing Iron & Steel United Co. 介绍了南钢在3 500炉卷轧机上研制开发的X65管线钢板的生产工艺与产品性能。
- Investigation results show that the comprehensive action of H2O, H2S,CO2, Cr and stress brings abort pipeline steel bursts. 结果表明:管道中的H2O、H2S、CO2、Cl-和应力的综合作用造成了管道钢的开裂。
- This paper based on K60 pipeline steel,by means of DWTT and Charpy impact test,given an analysis on pipeline steel low-temperature fracture toughness. 试验结果表明,随着壁厚的增加,K60级管线钢夏比冲击韧性变化不大,DWTT性能严重下降。
- The results show that the X65 pipeline steel with acicular ferrite produced by Steckel mill rolling has excellent mechanical properties. 对X65管线钢的炉卷轧制工艺进行了实验室模拟研究,并采用光学、电子显微技术和力学分析等方法研究了X65管线钢的微观组织与性能。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。