- domestic political reward 国内政治回报
- Chavez has stepped up reprisals on domestic political opponents. 查韦斯则加紧报复国内政治反对派人士。
- Such exercises might make sense in domestic political terms; but they are apt to be fiendishly expensive. 这些做法可能符合国内政治逻辑,却耗资巨大。
- In Mexico, as in the United States and Spain, Cuba is a domestic political issue. 在墨西哥,正如在美国与西班牙一样,古巴是一个国内的政治问题。
- In Mr Dallek's view, each was willing to see lives sacrificed for domestic political advantage. 达莱克认为,双方都想看到有人为民主政治作出牺牲。
- Even though China's ascension to the WTO is not without domestic political risks,Beijing seems confident that it has everything firmly under its thumb. 入世对中国政府来说,毕竟是有一定的政治风险。北京似乎是满怀信心。
- During the televised interview, Mrs. Bust was also asked about domestic political issues, and the outlook for the 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign. 在电视采访时,布什夫人被问及有关国内政治及对2008年总统竞选的想法。
- Martin Gainsborough, a Vietnam expert at Bristol University in Britain, says the talks carry promise for Vietnam, but also domestic political risks. 英国布里斯托大学越南问题专家甘斯伯洛说,这项会谈为越南带来保证,但也同样冒了国内政治的风险。
- During the televise interviews Mrs. Bush was also asked about the domestic political issues, and the outlook for the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. 在访谈节目中,布什太太也被问及了国内政治问题以及对2008年总统大选的看法。
- During the televised interview, Mrs. Bush was also asked about domestic political issues, and the outlook for the 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign. 在电视访谈节目中,布什夫人也被问及国内的政治态势以及对2008年总统竞选的展望。
- Unlike the domestic political vagaries that have hobbled the talks in the past, there is nothing transient about the rise of China. 与以往国内政治的反复无常导致会谈磕磕绊绊不同的是,中国崛起绝非一时现象。
- The report says that the domestic political situation has been moving towards stabilization ever since Niger successfully held a presidential election in 1999. 报告说,1999年尼日尔成功举行总统选举以来,国内政治局势趋于稳定。
- Among rich nations, domestic politics militate against trade liberalisation. 在富裕国家中,国内政治妨碍了贸易自由化。
- OPEC producers, whose governments have grown reliant on high prices to shore up their domestic political support, have been keen to keep the cost of a barrel of oil above$50. 石油输出国组织国家长期渴望油价保持每桶50美元以上,因为其政府越来越依靠高昂的油价来满足国内政策支持的需要。
- Even though China's ascension to the WTO is not without domestic political risks, Beijing seems confident that it has everything firmly under its thumb. 入世对中国政府来说,毕竟是有一定的政治风险。
- However, its politicians have to move beyond their petty domestic political squabbles so that the country can play a role commensurate with its economic power. 但是,那里的政客必须要抛弃可怜的为内政所做的争吵,这样,国家才能扮演一个与其经济能量相当的角色。
- During the televide televised interview, Mrs. Bush was also asked about domestic political issues, and the outlook for the 2008 U. S. president show campion presidential campaign. 在电视节目采谈中;布什夫人还谈到了国内的政治问题;她展望2008年美国的总统竞选活动.
- Bankers said that high-profile deals are almost always high-risk in China because competitors with strong domestic political connections will weigh in against foreign takeovers. 银行业人士说,大规模交易在中国总是要冒很高风险的,因为拥有强劲本地政治关系的竞争者会施压反对外资收购。
- What has been the relative weight of legal, ethical, domestic political, and power political, motives in great power decisions to intervene in civil wars? 强权大国决定干预内战时,法律、道德、国内政治和权力政治等动机的相关权重是什么?
- The historian must conclude that, on the whole, Taft's record in foreign affairs was even more barren than in domestic politics. 历史学家不得不下这样的结论,整个说来,塔夫脱在对外事务方面比在内政方面成绩更差。