- domestic tourism income 国内旅游收入
- Income from domestic tourism stood at 387.8 billion yuan, up 10.1 percent. 国内旅游收入3878亿元,增长10.;1%25。
- Income from domestic tourism stood at 387.8 billion yuan,up 10.1 percent. 国内旅游收入3878亿元,增长10.;1%25。
- Luoyang, Guiyang tourists and tourism income and other indicators of the Golden Week hit a new high. 洛阳、贵阳接待游客和旅游收入等各项指标再创本次黄金周新高。
- Tourism: International tourism grew slightly,with the domestic tourism flourishing. 旅游: 入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。
- Domestic tourism has boomed, with holiday tourism embarking on the track of sound and orderly development. 国内旅游方兴未艾,全国假日旅游已初步走上了健康有序的发展轨道。
- Tourism:International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing. 旅游:入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。
- Last year recorded 740 million domestic tourists and 317.6 billion yuan in domestic tourism revenue, up 12.1 percent. 城乡居民全年国内旅游出游7.;4亿人次,旅游支出3176亿元,比上年增长12
- With domestic tourism trips July and August were the peak period of arrival, travel route fares will be rising. 随着七八月份国内旅游出行的高峰期到来,旅游航线也将出现票价上涨的情况。
- Jowell and Shaun Woodward, the Tourism Minister, fear that the tax will jeopardise domestic tourism. 乔维尔与旅游部次官萧恩.伍德瓦德担心,床铺税如付诸实施,会危及国内旅游业。
- Tourism: International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing. 旅游: 入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。
- Island tourism with its exceptional characteristics has developed rapidly. The number of tourists coming to tour Qiong annually has reached 7.9 million, and tourism income was 5.5 billion yuan, increasing by 10.29% over last year. 独具特色的海岛旅游业发展迅猛,全年来琼旅游的游客达到七百九十万人次,旅游收入五十五亿元,比去年增长百分之十点二九。
- Especially in the young people to carry out patriotic education, the role of domestic tourism is even more apparent. 尤其是在青少年中开展爱国主义教育,国内旅游发挥的作用更为明显。
- The original two timetables were intended to provide protection for domestic tourism operators. 原先制定两个时间表,本是为国内旅行社提供保护期。
- The representatives of domestic tourism also showed an optimistic attitude toward the prospects of Australia in Chinese tourist market. 国内旅游业的代表也表示对澳大利亚在中国旅游市场的发展前景持乐观态度。
- Tourism e-commerce is not only the new trend of the world' tourist industry but also the new lightspot of the domestic tourism. 旅游电子商务不仅是世界旅游业的新趋势,同时也是国内旅游业的新亮点。
- Main business immigration, domestic tourism reception, special tourism promotion, the meeting arrangements for festive events. 主营业务为入境、国内旅游接待、特种旅游推广、会议节庆活动安排。
- H Archer.The impact of domestic tourism[A].Occasional Papers in Economics[C].No.2,Bangor:University of Wales Press,1973. 徐林;姜德增.;提振消费受制于现有国民收入分配格局[N]
- Heng Qin Tourism Income Grows By a Large Margin 横琴游客旅游收入大幅增长
- Rural tourism development in North America is a story of domestic tourism and transformation of the physical plant brought on by exogenous forces through the years. 北美乡村旅游业的发展是一部国内游和自然工厂迁移的历史,是在多年的外部力量的作用下而形成的。